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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. http://www.nws.noaa.gov/mdl/forecast/text/state/MA.MRF.htm
  2. Look at those snow numbers muthufukkas!
  3. What’s that line about correlation and causation?
  4. You don’t think hubb has a shot at 30+?...lol
  5. On the other hand, we’re still at d3 so there’s time for adjustments that would have a significant effect on large parts of the populace.
  6. Goalposts narrowing. Warning event for most of the forum excluding the king weenie unfortunately. I’m rooting for a Hail Mary jacking Diane for her bday present.
  7. It looks like dog dung. Thankfully we have a much bigger fish to fry 36 hours later.
  8. Keys to the uncle’s stash are hard to come by....
  9. Starting 2/1-crown is back. Dry January. Good to watch in a warm house and hopefully we don’t trend to zr around here so I can keep power...
  10. Similar ptype distribution...maybe more snow given the antecedent and colder during the sleet this time.
  11. Verbatim pelting 18z Sunday with a 2m of 19 at BOS
  12. Quite the scalping in the pike region after a nice front ended on NAM
  13. It does seem that there is pretty strong upside potential in the hinterlands...
  14. Man pack when it all ends thanks to cold low levels and plenty of sleet!
  15. Mid levels start crashing..I think we’d flash back to snow for a few hour hours at least.
  16. I noticed that. I couldn’t tell whether it was a function of timing but I think the sleet is 20 miles further north at 6Z. What are your run thoughts on the strong back end dump euro is depicting ?
  17. The back end significant thump after the sleet seems to be a growing euro feature
  18. Let’s see if gfs can find a way to plow through a 1036 sprawling area of molasses....
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