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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. That’s what I thought ! I want to see the sounding for the sleet.
  2. What’s the lowest above freezing elevation?
  3. Euro actually gives me more snow ths run by virtue of qpf.
  4. I hope you can come! My part of the govt is funded so I’m buying anything you consume.
  5. Is this a repeat gtg when we got booted out of the room for hooting Barry’s 1-3? 8 verified btw.
  6. Do we include euro with the mesos? If not why not?
  7. That h85 of 1C-how thick? I mean if it’s a thin layer and high rates it can get washed out.
  8. So it’s interesting that for days and days it’s been a great front ender for all off the cape and sleet on most of EMA. I’m thinking BOS pulls 6-10 when it’s all done but since Ray gets my measurement..not sure if it’s any different.
  9. Yesterday’s map...like 24 hours ago...cmon man....
  10. Well the trend is still ok. If everything holds the Leon push st 12z I think the pike region can more confidently entertain bigger totals.
  11. Euro nearly identical . If anything a few miles south with h85
  12. Out the 33. Should have a good idea shortly
  13. Stars visible through thin overcast.
  14. Euro will cave at 12z. The actual surface track did move a tick south but the thermals in the mid level didn’t seem to change much. Remember euro rarely makes big jumps. But having the 6Z guidance so far continue cold gives me some confidence that 12z will cement things.
  15. “Sleet accumulates too just not as readily”
  16. Harv brought all the demarcation lines about 10 miles south. Says he feels Boston is good for about a foot.
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