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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Models sucked donkey. Will and scooter ftw. Will measure in a bit but eyeballing a good amount. Everyone sub freezing now AWT. I believe yesterday’s gfs had Bos 50+? What’s a 15+ bust on a 12 hour forecast among friends? Sleet now and my snow guy came and I have a sleet accumulation going now. Eyeballing about 6 inches but will get an official measurement shortly. Goood thing Ray was smart enough to avoid the Logan measurements!
  2. My bad... mis typed. If I can maintain snow for several hours more this can pile up....radar. Is juicy.
  3. Actually went out for a 2:10 am measuring. 3.8 and ripping hard. 4-8 will verify I suspect. Now, can I awaken early enough to measure before it gets beaten down? For Ray: season total to the minute is 10.4....79.6 to go for you to win the bet.
  4. I measured 2.4 over an hour ago and I may have nearly 4 now the way it’s coming down.
  5. Ripping pretty good here...much better SNE growth
  6. Moderate snow now, Total so far 2.4. 29 here now. Not sure how much longer I’m going to stay awake.
  7. Dryslot entering the south coast. Racing north.
  8. Be careful please! But I know the allure for sure...
  9. First widespread snow event in 2 months. Pretty sad.
  10. Real deal front ender building now. Better flakes too.
  11. But we’re discussing the models etc while obs are mainly obs? Great seeing you today Mike!
  12. That kind of implies some good back end stuff after everything crashes se.
  13. Managers demand. I would have put up vague language without amounts. Like “possible sizable winter storm..”
  14. I’m gonna scream at mpm at the gtg if he complains goddammit!
  15. Keep hope alive. I suspect guidance over corrected tonight.
  16. On the gfs, there is s 468 thickness contour just north of Lake Superior on d6-7. I’m not sure I’ve seen that before in modeling.
  17. Front ender looks good. Also, very dynamic day Sunday with a short term flash blizzard in the afternoon.
  18. That’s 6 hours of 1-2/hour snow before the PL.
  19. Robust parting gift with snow. Sunday afternoon!
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