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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I’ll send pics on Friday if the forum lets me upload.
  2. Really? Pacific looks ok actually. The Scandinavian block retros to an east nao in the longer range. And we won’t lose our snow from the warm stab this week.....it’s kind of bulletproof. I can walk on the glacier without sinking in. Do you know anything aside from whining?
  3. In my previous home, I pulled out the oil tank and mini splits provided the entire heating and cooling. I was told it would heat to a toasty level with outside temperatures down to -13. They were really good both for heating and cooling but man the electric bill was huge in winter!
  4. Yup....pack holds my weight as well. Just did a miler with the doggie....up to 1 here now. This airmass is legit and there’s some severe cold...-40C near James Bay nearby in the medium range. Incidentally 850s today are around -24....not meh to me.
  5. Lol...temperature now at zilch. Mid morning but milky overcast day.
  6. Maine wins. MN did pretty well as did NH, mountains above Denver (excluding Denver and Boulder), NH, parts of MA.
  7. Thinking about walking the doggie on this holiday....but steeling myself....I’m at 1/-8.
  8. I was out getting the car de iced again.....fabulous eclipse but damn.....not nearly as dramatic as the full solar. But while de icing I realized my fingers were hurting....noticed it was 3 degrees!
  9. I cleared space and still can’t post pics.
  10. Let’s roll with the look. What is the epic look bringing?
  11. Euro has 50s with dews to match later this week in the rainer
  12. We just don’t know. But gives NAO like that and we enjoy 2007-08 style fun.
  13. I’m just missing what everyone is fretting over today. The guidance looks stormy with ample cold. Some Atlantic blocking can bring us snow vs rain. And that’s being modeled.
  14. The idea that the pacific went bad is absurdly wrong. Yes the PNA goes down but eps shows a honking EPO for sure! If we can get some nao we’ll get some cutter insurance.
  15. Add 1.2 of sleet. Total snow and sleet 6.2. Total for season: 12.8. 67.2 for Ray to verify.
  16. For the first time since a few days in mid November it actually looks like winter. For that reason, not meh in my book.
  17. I got up to 33 before the tuck so not sure that happened.
  18. The sleet is actually accumulating decently.
  19. Hey Ken...not sure you were there when I left but felt bad about missing saying good bye, it was great seeing you again after 13 years!
  20. Snow guy never did the path to the back door and trash cans so I did it myself. Always enjoy shoveling. Digging out and defrosting my wife’s car took some time. Meanwhile I was getting pelted pretty good but it was sleet without other forms of precipitation. Loving the look out there...long live winter!
  21. For Ray: as of 11AM: 5 inches. season total is 11.6. 68.4 to go!
  22. There was never much question for you Bob. Pushing 40 to the NH border was comical.
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