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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Normally I wouldn’t say this but melting the walkways during this cutter is something I’m looking forward to. Hard as hell just walking around without falling!
  2. Well let’s just say every report nearest Logan was 4+. We didn’t really have a marine taint issue for the last storm...it was entirely latitude.
  3. Look at snow climo for BTV/CAR/AUG/LEW/CON/PEM. Then compare to BOS/ORH/PYM/PVD/BDL/HVN Case closed.
  4. That’s a notch up on the funny list...lol
  5. Tip is a man with more time than any adult working I know....
  6. Right. And my post you quoted was an example of the change. Will’s is a better example.
  7. My wife fakes interest. Women are good at faking things...
  8. 1/1-10 had 9 above normal days and one below. 1/11-20 had 6 below normal days and 4 above. 1/21-30 will kick right off with 2 way below normal days. That to me is a pretty significant change even if it hasn’t snowed in Plymouth.
  9. But this forum operates differently. If I wanted dry information with no personality I’d go elsewhere. But many of us have known each other from F2F contact. Kevin is a senior member. Ignore the outlandish stuff. But Kevin is a good guy. I met him in 2006 and have seen him multiple times since.
  10. Siberian night. Snowing lightly all evening (watch the Logan guy throw in some make up number...lol), temps very bitter, glacial landscape....too cold for man or beast!
  11. Actually I like the GEFS look. Whats the issue?
  12. Can someone please post the weeklies? TYIA
  13. Maybe a holy man can raise the melting point of water 20 degrees for this week’s storm....
  14. I’ll take that look on d8. Something to track.
  15. Pattern they called is still a week away so I would wait for verification.
  16. As of this date in 2015,we had about the same snow to date.
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