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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Lol...I was going back and forth with Tip as I was getting crushed that night.
  2. Lol...we’ll find out in a few days. I doubt it’s shut down related.
  3. That’s a stormy look to me. Would like the ridge over AK a bit further east but I’ve seen lots of snow in those patterns.
  4. But I (and others thought you meant Ray. Tip melts great as in Boxing Day 2010
  5. I don’t bet. And for you it’s a bad idea. Messenger left us with me still owing him dinner...
  6. Also-snowing then melting is less of a big deal to me. I felt bad for a few seconds losing my cover yesterday bit that was way overshadowed by my ability to not worry about falling continuously.
  7. In your early days on the bb you waxed poetic about that storm. What changed?
  8. 474 thickness over ORD 12z Wednesday on GFS. Yowzers!
  9. Lol...I actually got a new cell right before it started snowing. It was the latest in flip phone technology...lol. My nearly 20 year old daughter was 5. Loved that storm! And we got whacked with a clipper a few days later.
  10. I think NAO,PNA,EPO,AO,MJO are all pieces. Getting the information can’t hurt. Euro MJO looked pretty good going forward.
  11. 6Z euro parks that high in a good spot for next week.
  12. I found myself dreaming of wonderfully warm summer days when I went out with the dog earlier...
  13. GFS continues to slowly come around for Tuesday
  14. That’s a boatload of rain still to move through.
  15. I expect my pack to be gone when I go home tonight. Snoski ftw.
  16. Kev sees .05 over 12 hours at 35 degrees and figures 2 inches...
  17. That PNA look has been growing on the ensembles. Hopefully that hangs around for awhile
  18. Next week looks workable. Let’s see how it shakes out...
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