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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Low of 6, nigh of 7, PSN down to 67%. I’m guessing the entire column is easily sub freezing. MOS has some wtf moments.
  2. Ensemble mean of eps does show some blocking. Sign of NAO notwithstanding. Sometimes the numerical value does not tell the story as it may be mslp differences or even h5 at specific locations.
  3. Atlantic blocking now inside of 10 days. Maybe it’s coming finally.
  4. Use some of those miles and head to some international destinations. You’ll realize how great it is. Enjoy today’s snow!
  5. San Francisco is among the world’s great cities! Have you traveled much outside the USA? So much to learn from....
  6. My point should be evident. Flirting with the coldest ever to near record warmth in 3 days is amazing! I get that if any season foretold this 2018-19 is the one but we’ve had others somewhat similar and I just don’t have a memory of that.
  7. Yes....but I’m pretty sure we haven’t seen a 63F swing in 72 hours.
  8. I’m not. They don’t have some of the geographic protections we do. But we’ll see.
  9. MEX with a high of -16 at ORD Wednesday and a high of 47 by Saturday.
  10. Based on what I’m seeing this morning. We have the half decent dynamics. Kevin to ORH and West May do quite well.
  11. I’ve also experienced the cell phone phenomenon. Go out to walk the dog on a very cold night and the battery drains quickly. This cold should be the temperature nadir of winter. We’re actually heading into a decent pattern long term but the obscene EPO seems over for now.
  12. This event is trending better. Ray to Kevin to Brian/Mark/Gene to all of VT and Maine may well get 4+. I’m on the line between nothing and something.
  13. I think March in 98 was 90+ late month,,,,maybe 89 but spectacularly warm for March.
  14. ICON gives some snow on a line from BDL-BOS and points north. It also has BOS at -4 12z Thursday.
  15. March 2012 was one of the best ever. Not gonna happen.
  16. I’ve lost interest... see you all at 0z...
  17. Although that one would be worth it-among the very best.
  18. I’d wait for verification to say that.
  19. Ray, I think the biggest problem is the fact that we’re dealing with a sample size that’s too small to be scientifically valid. So being mindful of that should temper everyone’s confidence. In my world, some studies have a sample size of >50,000. I feel a lot more confident that the extremes have a much more muted influence. And you still could be right...
  20. Off hour runs. Verification scores vs 0Z/12Z?
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