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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. We (SNE) really need to maximize the front end before the warm tongue gets in. Mechanism is there so one can hope.
  2. The way I look at it is if I’m alive and well it’s a win. Multiple ratter years in a row pales vs that in my mind. Being old has some advantages in perspective...
  3. I do think we have a really fun period next week onwards for a spell. Better late than never.
  4. I’ll hopefully get home before it gets too crazy but the commute is 3 miles which shouldn’t be a big deal.
  5. It ended up around $13,500 to put in minis, remove the boiler, another few hundred to get rid of the oil tank. MA has a series of banks that will give you the money at 0%. One of them was a credit union I had an account with. It’s free $$. I divided the total by number of months and it came out to the exact payment. Ironically I moved but will be paying until summer of 2020 unless I want to pre pay which makes no sense. I have gas now and as technology advances I’m looking at solar shingles without those hideous panels which is here basically.
  6. The nice thing about today’s guidance is that during the heavy qpf it’s snow for many and during taint we’re dry slotting.
  7. Looks like uncle takes the secondary right through the canal.
  8. What? Harv backed way off that as we got closer. I’d take Harvey’s forecast tomorrow evening to the bank. I didn’t see Burbank’s map but latitude should play better than what is being depicted.
  9. I was so confident we’d hit futility which in itself is a weenie event. But then we got swfe near the spring equinox and we missed out. To go under the 9 inches of 1936-37 is work!
  10. I never understood worrying about melting something when the actual event is the best part. Then again I’ve never cared that much about retention.
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