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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. About 44 years ago my friend and I went bowling at this all night alley in Dorchester. I never perfected my game but was always capable of pulling out 220s level games. My buddy got on a roll and by the time he had a 6 bagger I quit bowling and watched. A 279 at 3:30 AM! Wish I were still young enough to go to work the next day like nothing happened....lol.
  2. ORH has one muthufukka . Other places too.
  3. Euro at h5 is totally different vs everything else AND ITS OWN PRIOR RUN!
  4. Sorry-didn’t realize you were so sensy wensy....I’ll hold my tongue next time..
  5. Mammoth gets that level snow a lot. Basically who gives a shit if we’re not there....although I remember one year they had to clear paths for the chair lifts snow was so deep.
  6. Monday’s growing stronger legs. We snow. But far southern regions nearer NYC may have issues.
  7. I left this morning with probably 3 otg. A lot of water in it so we’ll see how long it takes to melt.
  8. Next week appears to have our best chances of the winter.
  9. Looks like BOS came in with 2.4 on the climate report yesterday. Nearly doubled the season total...lol.
  10. Plow guy came.,..cleaned off my car. Hopefully we don’t get a surprise meso to lock ice in before leaving in the am.
  11. Now light sleet and pixie. It looks nice out. Pain in the ass in the early morning though getting ready for work.
  12. Ramping up nicely and obviously easily accumulating. First of several snows in the next 2 weeks.
  13. Late after most qpf is gone it will probably rain lightly.
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