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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Today is a legitimate summer feel. Last night still had a hint of chill. I doubt we see that for the next few days at least.
  2. And he a year younger. Thankful every day for my personal good fortune-so far…
  3. I used to do detailed and well researched winter forecasts and actually had some really good ones. But over the past 6-8 years I realized I just don’t have to desire to continue it-life events change your perspective. So I lurk mainly nowadays. But I know how many hours of sleep are lost in this endeavor and I salute all who put out their well researched thoughts year after year.
  4. Got down to 53 but I slept through it. Already up to 70 on the way to re-summer.
  5. Damn-Jimmy Buffet gone. Lots of folks born the same year I was departing. Gotta look both ways when crossing the street…
  6. Eating candy apples with temperatures in the upper 70s?
  7. After you’re done with full time work September doesn’t seem so bad......used to hate it and all of fall. Now we look forward to it although let’s have one more 10 day run of summer before breaking out the sweaters.
  8. Strong Ninos often have cold autumns with snow. 1997 had 4 inches of snow at BOS 11/14 along with a first freeze 2 weeks early. The fun continued into December before reality set in.
  9. Feel and smell of fall today-windows wide open. Ac back on by the weekend.
  10. She’s heading to Floribama for landfall.
  11. I prefer bourbon and a dash of bitters and simple syrup add a few fruit touches for a nice old fashioned. Tried and true for a long time. I never understood rum and coke. I’d rather bourbon or scotch neat vs that abomination.
  12. I think mild and wet but not too mild can work for us ala 2012-13. I’m not implying I believe that but verbatim my 0.5-1C above normal may not reduce snow and in fact it could enhance it if precipitation cooperates. But it’s also likely that we’ll have a very strong STJ so we have to time little dips right. I’m among the few here that remember 1957-58 and 1963-64. I’d take those and run at this point.
  13. True story. I was in a supermarket in Los Angeles about 35 years ago and these 2 guys seemingly high as a kite are looking at me and laughing trying to control themselves. Finally one of them musters the courage to say “my friend says you look just like Joe Cocker”. I walk by them slowly and in my best cockney accent softly mutter “I am Joe Cocker” while I kept walking. Those guys were literally rolling.
  14. Got caught in a ridiculous downpour without an umbrella around 8:15PM last night. This was in the back bay.
  15. Actually Paris is well north of all of us at 48 and change N. Cannes on the southern coast is 43.5-north of anywhere in sne.
  16. El Nino summers are usually produce lackluster Atlantic years.
  17. It was Hurricane Doreen 8/18/77. I’d take the winter that followed.
  18. About the California potential deluge-was there during a summer before burgeoning nino in the late 70s. Had tickets to a Dodger game honoring Willie McCovey and it got rained out by a tropical storm that dropped 3 inches in LA which is ridiculous in august when climo is something like 0.1 for the month. So while uncommon it does rarely happen.
  19. TBH-this summer has been subpar. Kudos to Steve for nailing the pattern change.
  20. White knuckle drive in driving rain to ohare tonight. Flight originally scheduled to arrive at BOS near midnight now scheduled 3:15AM arrival. Flying is so much fun….
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