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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I’m not sure you’re actually allergic vs getting so much venom that anyone would have had that reaction. In my wife’s case last summer, she immediately took Benadryl which quelled any further reaction. That said, keep the epi pen.
  2. Not sure. When we had one in the house I ran upstairs and let my wife take care of it...lol.
  3. This year yellow jackets. The hornets last year attacked my wife when she disturbed them. She got stung multiple times and had the presence of mind to take Benadryl. We had one in the house in mid May last year but until the attack last summer we didn’t connect the dots.
  4. Hornets last summer, regular bees this summer. I hire a bee guy.
  5. Awaiting Cranky’s winter forecast.....category 1 snowstorms?
  6. I hit 85. BED was close to what Logan got. DSD
  7. BOS starts August like it left off in July with a +8. High of 89.
  8. Crsnky’s had a good handle on what would happen.
  9. In the other thread Jay mentioned flying near a microburst. Coming into ORD in April of 2017 we were on final approach twice when the landing was aborted. Thought I was going to die....
  10. But my point is on 8/25 a day of 86/68 has a departure of +6 which is 3 more vs 8/1. It’s all about the timing because we’ve all seen 90s at the end of August.
  11. It’s easier to get big departures as August moves along and means drop.
  12. This is the way we did it i the old days
  13. I expect similar departures vs July
  14. Another hotter than expected day. 4 day wave for BOS
  15. Have you ever looked where the sun don’t shine so to speak? Interesting etchings up there...
  16. Through 7/30 it is +5.1 and today likely keep it close to that for the month. BOS: +5.1 11 90+ ORH: +3.3 1 90+ PVD: +2.9 8 90+ BDL: +4.6. 18 90+
  17. Some of the worst traffic I’ve ever seen has been on 84 going through Hartford.
  18. Today is 11 for Logan which probably lost a few with sea breezes
  19. You are correct per the climate report. 4th day AOA 95 this summer
  20. BOS has a high of at least 96...more likely 97.
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