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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. You a retired police officer? That would (it seems) qualify you uniquely for the retirement job.
  2. 94 on 9/17 is bona fide. OT but watching for the minimum so I can start my annual thread on the main page. About another week I’d say.
  3. Don’t fall for it. Plenty of warmth left just no where near high summer heat. Looks well above normal mid week on next week.
  4. 15 years of my life was spent that way...and earthquakes were too scary to enjoy
  5. We’ll save you the hurricane winds for a winter storm when losing power has a higher ante....
  6. OT but have you read “The Big Burn” by Timothy Egan? Great read and highly educational. About the catastrophic fire of 1910 out west. Smoke was detected as far east as Greenland.
  7. My benchmark was the late summer early fall of 1954. Carol/Edna/Hazel. I remember as a young boy riding my bike after Hazel passed with my mother yelling after me-careful-there are loose trees! Winds were still gusty but l had to get out in it. A 7 year old weenie.
  8. Back in Boston now. You could see autumn start rolling into Europe and given the fact that Paris is 48N that makes sense. Last week was summer. Wore a jacket to CDG yesterday. Warm today here and we go through autumn with eternal hope for winter. It’s like the baseball season before opening day. Anything is possible...
  9. I’ll be home. Wish it were reliable....
  10. You know I can take sne big events and wipe the floor with Albany in terms of single storm totals. Albany certainly snows more and holds onto it but big storms to me are more exciting I guess. I may lose it in 3 days but I love the concept of 18+ and BOS has had a ridiculous number of those over the past 20 years. Still seriously considering a move to VT soon
  11. Yes but the geography is a robber. You’d go crazy there after living in Stowe.
  12. Troy sucks for snow as does Albany. Shadowed from all directions.
  13. I was in Belmar, NJ during Doria. Wild night! Tried to body surf the next day but they wouldn’t let anyone in the water.
  14. Oh yeah. Dropped our pride and joy off to her living space and now enjoying our last day in London. Train to Paris tomorrow. Weather has been hot and of course ac doesn’t work where we’re staying but it hasn’t slowed us down at all. Fans and cool showers work fine. Nice thing about London is we speak the native language. It’s a fun city and locals know how to have fun!
  15. Me busted like a very ripe fruit....
  16. London broke the record for today by 5C...hot 33. I’m ready to kiss it good bye. I just can’t get a read on fall and winter this year. I don’t think we have any strong forcing so kind of a crapshoot this year.
  17. My last post on the subject of climate. Will we Americans survive-yes. Will our lives be negatively affected-most assuredly. Global conditions have influenced our lives for over 100 years. Should we put our heads in the sand and indeed not only do nothing but potentially accelerating the effect? That seems like madness to me... Autumn is nigh-it’s been a real summer!
  18. Blistering again here in London. Another 90 day but it’s not particularly humid. Man brits are drinkers! When in Rome....
  19. The failure of the past 3 administrations including now to really address the banking issues will result in a high price. But that doesn’t change with worldwide no matter the ideology regarding climate change price 100% of the planet will pay on some level.
  20. No need to worry about your data-100% of us have been compromised
  21. We are in for tough times-but with cooperation among humans we can get through them. Without that we’re fukked.
  22. Those who refuse to learn the terrible lessons of nationalism are doomed to repeat this history.
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