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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. What does an old man do waking up at 3am....read this thread! 7.7 and piling up rapidly.
  2. Just back from walking the dog. Snow began 8:40-8:45. Now steady. Gonna sleep and till the wee hours...planning to rise at 3AM.
  3. HRR wants the snow to linger in eastern MA during the morning.....inside 495 it seems.
  4. We need it to have a double after dinner!
  5. Well yes that’s true. But it’s easier to not refresh every hour....lol.
  6. Absolutely false. HRR out in the extended range (past 6 hours) typically is much less reliable.
  7. Still has me 10-12 which is ok! Thanks Will!
  8. Yeah I’m on the area so I know that location well. You should do very well!
  9. Yeah HRR still pounding mby at the end of the run.
  10. 3/19/56. An inch or 2 forecasted and ended up with 1-2 feet. I was in 3rd grade. Apparently 12/26/47 which dumped 26.4 on KNYC was forecast to be flurries but at 1 year old I don’t remember those details.
  11. That was like last Wednesday or Thursday I thInk but euro overdoing amplitude in medium range is nothing new.
  12. The euro brings the taint line to just south of Scooter briefly before receding back. By that time a lot of snow is down.
  13. Seems like the short range mesos holding it in an hour or 2 more. Could be a difference between 7 and 10.
  14. At Mammoth in California they’ll ski in bathing suits on July 4th. Truth.
  15. Ooh! Thanks Will! And I won’t get arrested!
  16. Always that but 2 more model cycles to go before precipitation starts for many.
  17. Kevin thinks he’s absolved because of startements like “regionwide ...l”
  18. Incidentally the muthufukkas lose value in March. Models screw up the bl so bad that it’s hard to get them sub freezing at the height of a snow storm...
  19. We snow. I expect Boston to pvd over to Taunton 6-9. 495 belt in MA 8-12. Unfortunately timing means we sleep through a lot of it but I’ll get up 2 hours earlier if need be to catch the show.
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