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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Gene, I bet you pick up another 20+.
  2. We should have realized that when NAM is alone it’s wrong.
  3. My favorite male cardinal is hanging out in my backyard. Can’t get enough of that bright red with black markings against the snow and deep blue sky.
  4. During the years I lived in California, it was normal got Mammoth to have everyone ski on the 4th of July. I don’t know how much they had this year but similar depths were commonplace during the 15 years I lived in LA.
  5. Thanks Will! I think rpm has the right idea for this one.
  6. “Take this longing from my tongue.... whatever useless things my hands have done.....let me see your beauty broken down....like you would do...for one you loved” Leonard Cohen
  7. When I was living in LA and my sons were little we’d watch NHL playoffs sponsored by Labatts starting at 5 LA time. We also set up a hockey hall. A lot of replastering...lol.
  8. Meanwhile cmc had some early am labatts for Sunday morning
  9. That has more to do with clouds and rain than cold. Many sunny days in a row would hit 70.
  10. NAVGEM used to be NOGAPS. The model is part of the US Navys Fleet Meteorology and Oceanography Centery. If I choose to look at it I get it here: https://www.fnmoc.navy.mil/wxmap_cgi/cgi-bin/wxmap_DOD_area.cgi?area=fnmoc_namer&set=All
  11. I also remember the 3/30/97 nape fest. I went for a 5 mile run in shorts and t. I had just started posting on the Internet and all of a sudden there’s talk of snow. The next morning heading out to work in rain in the 40s. By noon down near north station flakes are mixing in. Going home in heavy snow. 3-4/hour for many hours! An all timer for sure!
  12. I’m in the >6 or forget it mode.
  13. The fact that ineedsnow checks the navgem means he needs snow...
  14. If one guy in Eastie gets 12.5 and someone else gets 10.6 (BOS) I consider that within normal ranges of variance.
  15. BOS with today’s 10.6 is up to 27.2. Not that far from respectability. We’ve actually had a steady diet of events beginning 2/17
  16. Does the Logan guy measure when it stops or wait till 1 when maybe the extra inch is melted?
  17. Gonna call 14.5 final. Not enough left to make a difference at this point.
  18. Thanks Jeff. When I look at my total it’s not so bad...may end up close to normal but it felt like a full ratter.
  19. These fatties keep piling up. 14.5 total. season at 45.8
  20. This final band is is a merger between the Essex County to metrowest and the ORH County ones.
  21. This parting shot was perfectly modeled by HRR.
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