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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I’ll be torching Tuesday on near MCO. Should be warm upon my return Friday evening.
  2. All of them are of this type. The amount of work you have to put in just to make it onto the trail once you’re above 18,000 feet is enormous. These people take a full year of their lives to try to make this happen. The problem is there are too many! People died due in large part to the coming and going traffic jam on the ascent to a mountain at jet stream level. And the idea that some need seasoned pros and others don’t is hogwash. All of them need seasoned professional guidance. This isn’t a trek up mount Washington
  3. And I’m heading to Florida Tuesday-looking forward to the heat!
  4. “I woke last night to the s ounce of thunder....how far off I sat and wondered....,started hummin’ a song from 1962.......”
  5. Remember-correlation does not imply causation.
  6. You won’t be able to hold it back once we get past the solstice. My call has been hottest summer in 20 years.
  7. It seems mildish but I’m still using the context of early last week...lol.
  8. It’s like clock work how the responses will be after the trigger is applied...
  9. Wow that’s serious heat! I’ll be at the source for work next week at MCO.
  10. BOS up to 85. Rocketing. MOS took a dump.for sure!
  11. Awakened at 3AM by thunder with heavy rain. Clearing out but a summer like morning now.
  12. Downpours but temperatures in the 60s. Should be nice and dewy on the other side. edit....temperatures dropped to 55 in the rain.
  13. 81 muthufukkas (next Saturday)
  14. Sun’s out. Hopefully the worst is over for this spell.
  15. Welp...taking the cover off of the ac compressor when I come home from work today. Latest since I lived in this house.
  16. No I’m saying I pay $20 for a zillion to one shot at $150m
  17. Yeah the only time I buy lottery tickets is when there’s a huge payoff and I understand I’m throwing away my $$ ($20 maybe) once a year on average
  18. I pay because: 1. It makes no difference in my standard of living and I enjoy the information. 2. The older I get, the more inclined Ian to buy whatever the fuk I want
  19. Lol..Billerica is immune to back doors now?
  20. 6Z GEFS screams back dooring for New England while the rest of the country is warm.
  21. Incidentally, July 1977 was blistering. BOS had an 8 day consecutive 90+ spell culminating in 102 on 7/21 which was maybe the 4th or 5th straight 96+.
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