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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I know a lot of retirees-including many work colleagues now retired. You ask “how’s retirement?” No one complains. I’m out the second the last tuition check is written and more likely before. I’d pick a date in late winter and drive down to spring training-stay until they break camp. Been a lifelong goal. Then I’d do all the things I don’t have time to do. Most importantly, I’d get enough sleep during the week. Hopefully my body will allow hiking, snow shoeing, and reading.
  2. You could tell early on when the west wind was still robust at 8am even in Jamaica Plain we’d over perform temperature wise.
  3. Mby 85. BOS 74. In fact Fenway wx bug is 80 suggesting just along the immediate shore roads are cooler.
  4. I just looked at GEFS long range. Thunder city.
  5. I was serious. You normally don’t want troffing in the warm season. And I was quoting what you said-trof along the east coast. You (and the rest of us) would not be happy. Sure if it edged east but summertime WAR mode suggests that would retro and have you go to the movies on vacation days.
  6. Is that what’s showing? I don’t have time to look. That would be ok actually. But it could also retro and give us a shit week in mid summer.
  7. How is an east coast trof a good sign unless you love rainy days?
  8. With sometimes a 40 degree diurnal out west the rattlers find quiet paved roads to warm up. Nights might be 65 with a max of 105. Road kill rattlers on less traveled roads are common.
  9. Definitely not happening. Most likely scenario is retire and don’t move. Pick up pickles chasing events all winter.
  10. Always loved Stowe. Maybe I should finally retire and move up there...
  11. Looks great! Now let’s dry us muthufukkas out!
  12. Bon me. Soba noodles with spicy grilled chicken, a touch of kimchi, veggies.
  13. Just had a very spicy lunch. That with the dews making me sweat
  14. I just got a push on my phone that happy hour starts st 3pm-at Starbucks. This world is too wired!
  15. You will be cursing and throwing small children around the house in a month.
  16. Heat signal continues. Next week we torch.
  17. It’s muggy this week no matter how you slice it. Makes low 70s feel pretty warm.
  18. Like Steve and I and others have said, summer begins around the solstice, not 6/1. This year the weather is right on schedule.
  19. It actually is progressing on one level. Tonight on my walk it felt kind of summery. We’re getting there.
  20. The day before a blizzard may be very cold. It’s not comfortable. When among us complains?
  21. Well that settles it.....lol.
  22. Nope. I think this summer will end up the hottest in 20 years. It’s starting slowly I’ll give that but I’ve seen mank into late June morph that way before. 1999 is a good example
  23. I’m standing by my call for a scorching July through October. Particularly mid July to Labor Day. To be clear-that means >3F above normal.
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