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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Yeah there are lemons no matter what. The problem is when it happens to you it has outsized significance.
  2. When we moved in, a sub zero came with the house. The most amazing fridge ever. When the motor goes (it’s 20+ years old and works great) I’ll replace it for the cost of a new non sub zero fridge or if I’m old enough (less years to spend whatever is left) just buy a new one which is $7500+ -now I know why.
  3. How do you know my air was dirty? I love you but you hate it when people don’t look at things your way. Give the average human your skiing conditions and last Saturday’s conditions and 95% would probably take the heat. I’ve skiied in those bitter conditions and packed it in after 1-2 runs due to cold. In each case I’ve noticed no one on the slopes so I’m pretty sure you’re in the minority.
  4. Mid level clouds ushering in a warmer period. Fairly sunny here in JP.
  5. I’ll see if you’re walking around when it’s 17 out and windy. For the record, I did yard work Saturday followed by a brisk walk. Loved it! Hoping for more HHH soon.
  6. Yes and that loss of morning light was evident to me today for the first time. Maybe because this is the first time I’m up this early since last Tuesday...
  7. Kind of sad to be noticeably losing light. So many hypocrites on this bb. Who amongst you won’t extoll the deep winter days of snow cover, deep blue skies, and temperatures well below freezing. Do you think that’s comfortable? Do you enjoy the super dry skin cracking indoor heat? Yet many of the same folks make fun of us who enjoy the warm season HHH. I happen to marvel at both phenomena and love wx extremes cold and hot.
  8. I was about to raise my hand because I loved yesterday. But who can criticize today? Do abstentions count?
  9. Crane Beach natural fireworks in 2 hours?
  10. Drink seltzer but no other soda-gave mine up 30 years ago. No juice either. My liquid consists of water/seltzer, coffee, adult beverages.
  11. Make it 90 https://w2.weather.gov/climate/getclimate.php?wfo=pafc
  12. 91/55 imby. Pretty close to perfect
  13. Beautiful day on the ponderosa. Hammocks all in use. We’re dog sitting a 2 year old golden and he’s a great companion for our old 11 year old with a torn acl. Will probably fork over 3-5k for surgery sometime this summer. We love our dogs!
  14. No pun intended but the issue is not black and white. It is nuanced and we’ll have to agree to disagree. Kapernick will go down in history as a vessel for change imho.
  15. What was the value in waiting? I’m curious. Although admittedly I had days in the 80s while you struggled to hit 70...
  16. Look at all the shit bums signed while he was boycotted. Had he not knelt he’d still be in the nfl even as a hanger on.
  17. FYP. Perspective Mike. Easy to see it from your angle if you haven lived in the other man’s shoes.
  18. KBOS with 85 and east breeze. Fairly impressive for this early in the summer.
  19. You’ve probably got the wrong station loaded....
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