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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Serious sweat going. I enjoyed my mid day walk and now no one will come near me. 3 shower day today.
  2. BOS 92/71. 90s are starting to pile up.
  3. But they’re ramping up Friday back to full blown torch fest. WAR flexes big time in clown range.
  4. Can’t wait to go on my lunch walk!
  5. I was at Bradley Beach in early July 1966 with temps near 100. Sand was unwalkable without shoes. Some beautiful young lady around our age (19-20 then) had to stand on our blanket to survive. Was fun!
  6. The beaches are among the more dangerous locales Saturday.
  7. Through 7/15: BOS: +5.4 BDL: +4.7 PVD: +2.9 ORH: +3.6
  8. MEX with a 101 for FIT, 96 ORH, 99 BOS Saturday.
  9. Green heads-the worst bastards of all of them.
  10. I’m so excited for the upcoming heat! I plan a mid day hike Saturday to show the world that the elderly can handle this!
  11. Hot Saturday in reverse. Hot Saturday was followed by a hellacious bd dropping Sunday afternoon temperatures to the low 60s. Thursday this week looks chilly followed by heating up to Saturday’s crescendo.
  12. BOS pulled a 95 out of their arse a week ago Saturday...lol...
  13. Man I have to retire. Running out of summers.....
  14. Nowadays it’s untuckits and chinos though I still roll old school
  15. Back in LA days it would be earthquakes and 100+. Shake and bake. We bake hopefully without the shake late week/weekend.
  16. What kind of wx is typical of London and Paris last week of August first week of September?
  17. All time USA record of 134 held by that station.
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