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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Downslope and lower dews should more than compensate
  2. Big numbers today failed but guidance was trending that way. We wait till tomorrow.
  3. Hot day-on my mid day walk. But it’s not historically hot..yet. Pretty fukking hot though. Daughter took the good bug juice-we take our chances...
  4. Agree! I mean LAX vs the official site near downtown representative of LA wx. LAX would often have a high of 73 while officially downtown and where most folks lived would be 10 degrees higher. Same at BOS. I’ve been 10+ higher multiple times this summer.
  5. And of those 14 -10, only 3 have occurred at Logan. Location a big deterrent.
  6. To Brian’s point we need a more consistent 300 wind vector or even right of that to. Not out of the question yet.
  7. 5 to hundy at BOS. That is a bit tough from 1pm but we have some things in our favor. 1. Trend for winds to back more WNW and NW. 2. Debris should be much less within the next 90 minutes 3. Heating potential up to 5PM
  8. https://mesowest.utah.edu/cgi-bin/droman/meso_base_dyn.cgi?stn=KBOS&time=GMT
  9. Lol....he’d never agree with October
  10. Clouds on satellite definitely thinning out. We may make a run post 3pm. Upper peninsula of MI looks like fun.
  11. Get ready for an above normal rest of summer probably into October.
  12. Tomorrow will feel more comfortable but the sun may be more searing.
  13. 34C KBOS. still enough sun to consider it. I’m holding onto the day I was in DC for work in 2006. Thy hit 101 in solid gray sky overcast.
  14. Temperatures will fail today. Tomorrow is progged clearer with lower dews so hopefully we can make it. Hundy takes work.
  15. I’m watching cirrus move in from the west but it seemingly thins as it moves east. Can the downslope effect do that to high clouds? BOS winds 300. 33/22C
  16. Late last night’s HRR did show clouds and the more or less 7-10 split in the pike region where it’s still clear.
  17. Wind has been roughly due west. Call 617-567-5762 for the minute by minute. Lol...I’m such a weenie... Anyway, 10:17 had a 290 wind direction and 33C.
  18. Would the downslope effect lower dews at coastal obs points like BOS?
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