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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. The big March snow this year really pointed it out. So Logan reads 34 while efficiently accumulating snow in March. Doubt.
  2. 2-3 hours of stolen heat...it won’t happen today. Imho we have one more big heat shot sometime in early August most likely.
  3. You must be at waters edge. Falmouth reporting 79/73
  4. 10PM BOS-91. Should be an astronomical launch tomorrow. Hoping we get a downslope dew drop to achieve 100 so I can get it out MFA my system for this year....
  5. BOS official high of 97 unless we got a very late spike.
  6. BOS making another run-97 looks good but can she hit 98-99?
  7. Sitting in the house with water and eating cherries after the hike. Looking forward to getting out again later.
  8. BOS with at least a 96-97 high is legit but disappointing. Although models signaled it yesterday
  9. 4 mile hike through streets and woods with hills. Elderly can do this!
  10. Anyway-very sweaty mid longish walk. Not a soul out.
  11. I don’t have time to dissect but MAV is 100 for BOS tomorrow
  12. You’ve wised up although mid November temperature climo is akin to early April
  13. Well yes but tomorrow progged conditions are different.
  14. Right now BOS looks like 97 is the high? Still about an hour for a Hail Mary.
  15. I think that’s overrated. A good WNW or NW wind and clear skies would have done the trick.
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