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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. EEE seems to be around every summer. It was there when I was a kid. Not sure the cause of the algae deal-seems like HHH is too simplistic since we’ve frequently had those conditions for long periods of time over the past 100 summers.
  2. We were near sandwich,NH and temperatures at elevation were 60s under 2k and 50s higher. Just west of castle in the clouds. Mount Israel which was sneaky steep but at this point in my life descending is the toughest on my body.
  3. Had a doctors visit Friday and headed up north Saturday morning. Very intense hiking and I have to say temperatures were perfect yesterday for that activity. Today we took a less intense mountain in and headed home. Summer’s winding down although we will heat up and dew after this week. Intense little cell over us after 5 hours hiking yesterday just as we got back to the car. Perfect timing.
  4. I was in London in 1993 during a hot spell-around 90 for a week. Nothing was ac. Then again 30 years ago I’d go all summer without ac. Just need it now-love the wx but hate the indoor sequela.
  5. My wife is responsible for getting is places to stay. My only requirement is ac which in Europe is not a given..
  6. Thanks Jeff! Definitely vacation. Dropping our daughter off in London and after 5 days there we’re heading to Paris. Should be fun.
  7. I’m not the slightest bit nervous. If I’m wrong it won’t be the first time...lol. I’ll be in Europe after 8/23 so I won’t see how we end up....although I’ll know-phone FTW.
  8. 4 days of -3 won’t make a huge difference but we’ll see.
  9. Most of us will be aoa through today or even tomorrow. It’s not as hard to pop big + latter half of August as climo starts dropping.
  10. On August 5th....lol. My entire life has almost always featured hot wx in August often into September
  11. Long range looks above normal. We stop at landing?
  12. Cocky weekend would be good-hiking in NH this upcoming.
  13. I’m not sure you’re actually allergic vs getting so much venom that anyone would have had that reaction. In my wife’s case last summer, she immediately took Benadryl which quelled any further reaction. That said, keep the epi pen.
  14. Not sure. When we had one in the house I ran upstairs and let my wife take care of it...lol.
  15. This year yellow jackets. The hornets last year attacked my wife when she disturbed them. She got stung multiple times and had the presence of mind to take Benadryl. We had one in the house in mid May last year but until the attack last summer we didn’t connect the dots.
  16. Hornets last summer, regular bees this summer. I hire a bee guy.
  17. Awaiting Cranky’s winter forecast.....category 1 snowstorms?
  18. I hit 85. BED was close to what Logan got. DSD
  19. BOS starts August like it left off in July with a +8. High of 89.
  20. Crsnky’s had a good handle on what would happen.
  21. In the other thread Jay mentioned flying near a microburst. Coming into ORD in April of 2017 we were on final approach twice when the landing was aborted. Thought I was going to die....
  22. But my point is on 8/25 a day of 86/68 has a departure of +6 which is 3 more vs 8/1. It’s all about the timing because we’ve all seen 90s at the end of August.
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