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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Had a fast consumed drink. We’re the ugly Americans
  2. Good bye summer. Off to London and Paris
  3. I think the loss of light mainly. Once we get deeper into November I’m happy because we’re on the doorstep of winter and no one ever knows what truly awaits us.
  4. So sad when summer leaves us. And we wait realistically until December for real snow chances. Fall is so useless to me. Fading light, everything faster paced, no chance of real snow.
  5. Last night for me in New England till after Labor Day. Feels like summer. Oncoming autumn is always sad to me. Fall and winter is a metaphor for aging. Loss of viability and elasticity. Thankfully snow more than makes up for it. So on this summer night-summer hanging on but inevitably losing its grip-I softly whisper to all of you my friends-long live winter-that refrain will become louder until we can’t hear anything else soon enough.
  6. One thing that reduces migraines is running- st least it did for me. My brother had the type you describe and I fear my daughter is heading there. Hopefully with your running and aging they will diminish in frequency and intensity.
  7. Also-agree with Luke-dietary influences are obvious if one keeps a journal.
  8. There are “classic” and “common” migraines. I suffered from the common variety for decades but one of the few good things about getting old is the fact that migraines become far less frequent-I probably get one a year now and the intensity is no where near what it used to be. For decades a migraine was the only cause of sick time from work. Interestingly enough-my migraines would always lift out quickly around 12:30 PM local time regardless of the time zone. No one could figure that out. The. I’d feel super hyped up the rest of the day.
  9. Days are getting shorter....we still have to wait months for snow.....pace of life gets more difficult post Labor Day.....
  10. It’s pretty humid when that happens and by then we’re not acclimated
  11. It’s not that simple or it would never snow in winter.
  12. It seems dews back in the day were rarely this high. 65 was considered quite sultry and 60-65 thought to be humid.
  13. Sweaty 4 mile walk ongoing. Summer is back.
  14. Living dangerously is a spice of life sometimes. My wife couldn’t believe how easily it all went.....
  15. Somehow a major limb-tree sized ended up straddling the fence between our next door neighbors and us. Origin from a tree inside our property line so I bought a chainsaw and took car of it. Pretty good sweat going. Loved the chainsaw-can’t wait for the next one!
  16. Winters generally were pretty bad though. My recollection is one really decent event in January of 1954-I was in 1st grade and I well remember the event. Then came March of 1956-a true all timer!
  17. Sultry today for sure. Heading into warmer pattern. Out picking up some necessities for our upcoming Europe trip beginning next weekend. New phone on the list mainly to get more capacity and better pics.
  18. Crowds? No ones staying over this weekend..
  19. I love how Steve posts the 7am satellite. Looks like a fine day here after all-suns been out for awhile now.
  20. But if one crawls up Wiz’s hiney it could be trouble.....big trouble.
  21. So in summary it doesn’t feel summery?
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