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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. hmmm...my RI geography needs work. Good luck Fozz. Long, cold, and snowy!
  2. So Corey is north foster right? That’s a lot snowier per what we’ve been told.
  3. Providence averages 33 inches? Not sure about Cumberland. Steve knows RI climo... Once you hit the MA pike you’re 40-80 depending on elevation and proximity to the ocean.
  4. Hey Fozz-what’s up? How did you end up in sne?
  5. Really nice Gene! I’m down to under a year left working so maybe....
  6. Looks good! Thanks for the preliminary thoughts. Tendency for nao seems legit.
  7. That actually looks good for all of SNE. California re drought?
  8. Pouring in Scooter’s old digs in Dorchester. Getting my car serviced-dealer moved and it’s really too far but they owe me 2 free oil changes-this is one.
  9. La nada with a positive PDO could be good....
  10. Got down to 47 imby. Early chill. I was in DC from Wednesday through yesterday and Thursday was mid 90s with dews. Thursday night the front came through and yesterday was at best low 70s. Different world there.
  11. It is close to the annual nadir so why not start the topic now. Good luck snow geese! Yesterday: Today:
  12. You a retired police officer? That would (it seems) qualify you uniquely for the retirement job.
  13. 94 on 9/17 is bona fide. OT but watching for the minimum so I can start my annual thread on the main page. About another week I’d say.
  14. Don’t fall for it. Plenty of warmth left just no where near high summer heat. Looks well above normal mid week on next week.
  15. 15 years of my life was spent that way...and earthquakes were too scary to enjoy
  16. We’ll save you the hurricane winds for a winter storm when losing power has a higher ante....
  17. OT but have you read “The Big Burn” by Timothy Egan? Great read and highly educational. About the catastrophic fire of 1910 out west. Smoke was detected as far east as Greenland.
  18. My benchmark was the late summer early fall of 1954. Carol/Edna/Hazel. I remember as a young boy riding my bike after Hazel passed with my mother yelling after me-careful-there are loose trees! Winds were still gusty but l had to get out in it. A 7 year old weenie.
  19. Back in Boston now. You could see autumn start rolling into Europe and given the fact that Paris is 48N that makes sense. Last week was summer. Wore a jacket to CDG yesterday. Warm today here and we go through autumn with eternal hope for winter. It’s like the baseball season before opening day. Anything is possible...
  20. I’ll be home. Wish it were reliable....
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