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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Rainy Chicago morning morphed into humid and cloudy afternoon. Coming east?
  2. I hard saved 9/24 whIch should show in post 1. Easier to mark progress.
  3. And remember the modeling was hideous 5 days out!
  4. They almost sound like gunshots sometimes. Crazy! Big here too!
  5. Acorns pelting lately-helmet worthy almost
  6. EPS says no...at least for New England...
  7. Taxes are a bad reason to leave given the difficulty in relocating. Then again-MA is pretty tax friendly to retirees especially govt retirees-no state taxes on social security or federal pension. I would never go to the wasteland known as Florida. I’m staying in New England.
  8. Not to quibble but I think the snow will be powdery.
  9. I loved Flowers for Algernon! Read it about 20 years ago and periodically do a reread. I was somewhat tongue in cheek though I sense the back half of October is cold.
  10. The pattern change begins October 5th and is locked in by Halloween
  11. Hopefully I can tolerate until then...lol
  12. Look in the mirror. i love me some autumn heat. Past early November not so much.
  13. Just remember the quote...”congratulations roger smith” after we started December warm and he called for a full month torch. We ended up with a great wintry month.
  14. That nao would produce in winter with different wavelengths.
  15. Embrace it. A spring bd will balance it out.
  16. Rubber band will break around 10/15. Perfect timing.
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