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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Sherman Oaks is a suberb that has tons of normal homes. Very disturbing as that’s Is in the heart of the LA metro area.
  2. Seems like that ushers in the new pattern but the week of 11/4 may have one too. Bottom line is the Pacific and Atlantic look decent especially as we move towards mid month.
  3. Cold rainy late October day is a harbinger of winter in general. My WAG call is average on most fronts most importantly snow and temperatures.
  4. Nah they’re probably 5 years too old for me at the time....
  5. Those women are probably close to 80 now if alive.
  6. But statistically it snows as much as it does in December. But for March/April snows to save a season it has to be 1955-56, 1957-58 1959-60, 1996-97 although 1957-58 had a great February. 1977-78 was backloaded as many of f the great ones are. My preference is front loaded but I don’t have the keys to control that so I take what I get. A sub par 1959-60 turned in a dime with one of the 20th century’s great blizzards. In NNJ where tamarack and I grew up, snow stayed on the ground all month-it was cold.
  7. I’d take a do over as an outstanding chef.
  8. I based the 30% as that number to bring the seasonal total under 30 inches. But one standard deviation below actually makes more sense statistically.
  9. Husbands and wives are good when they don’t “let” implying ownership. Both should know the right thing to do to keep the relationship balanced.
  10. It all started with this guy in college who, when he didn’t like something he’d say “that blows dead rats”. I used to post something like “this pattern blows dead rats”. That ended up shortening to “dead ratter” and ultimately ratter.
  11. And don’t you forget how the term “ratter” came about. EPS looks decent as well.
  12. November is under a week away...started the thread...
  13. First weekend turns chilly per euro. First half of the month looks to me AOB.
  14. OP Euro with a legit cold first weekend of November.
  15. Let’s dissect the 96-97 impression. Good warning event early in December. Cold first 3 weeks of January with some decent snow including a nice unexpected 6-9 around 1/7, February extremely warm and nearly snowless. March cold and snowy as was April. You can cherry pick all you want but it’s silly. Because of the December snows and the epic April fools blizzard, it was not a ratter. Fact.
  16. 1000-850 thickness and 850-700 are probably more accurate vs 1000-500.
  17. We don’t have a direct unimpeded pipeline.
  18. December-obviously way wrong frequently of late.
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