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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Roll it forward to 11-15 prog last year the vs. this.
  2. I think that may be everywhere actually. Certainly the temperatures but depending next system it wouldn’t take much for across the board but your assertion is correct regarding this year vs last year. Pattern looks different though.
  3. Great vs no rats doesn’t leave room for the middle which I think happens.
  4. Strong Scandinavia block retrograde towards Greenland on eps long range.
  5. Lol.. missed the disco. Went to bed at 3:30 AM and didn’t get up till just before noon. Can’t argue with the pattern. And I may get 30 minutes of snow Tuesday late day. Still below normal even with the mild feeling day.
  6. November coastals more often bring blue balls.
  7. Air bnb? Who’s the lucky lady? I’m sure I’ve told everyone the story of a lady I was with in the old south end piano factory which had some cool apartments of which I had one. One Saturday night in January 1975 had her over and when I opened my eyes Sunday I noted snow. So naturally I jumped out of bed and she beckoned me back. I think I said “but it’s snowing..”. When she asked “what’s more important.....snow or me”..I felt I could only say “please don’t make me answer that question..”.
  8. So the vibe for eastern SNE is a whitening to an inch now. Even the euro hints that. Interior eastern SNE could 1-3.
  9. If I’m lucky, the scratching will erase it.,,.
  10. But enough to bring us all to AOA normal for the season
  11. Perspective for everyone: normal highs for today PWM: 51 CON: 52 AUG: 48 BGR: 48 CAR: 42 BTV: 49 St Johnsbury: 48 SLK: 46 You’re all a bunch of uber unrealistic weenies.
  12. There’s our lifeline! Can uncle save us?
  13. Nice reload on eps. Durable pattern for now.
  14. That one has a reminder of December 2003
  15. Hopefully 12z is a trend that holds. I’m not greedy-all I need is measurable before taint.
  16. Freak giving is a taste of our own medicine....
  17. Love the adaptation of Kevinisms! This one should give more widespread flakes even if it doesn’t accumulate. Muthufukkas have numbers in them...
  18. Don’t they have a tendency to be a few cycles behind?
  19. This is a much better pattern vs last November and it appears to be reasonably durable. As the weeks advance, snow chances will increase. Keep realistic expectations folks. Kevin melting d/t bare ground in November trolled all of you...lol.
  20. Expectations are out of whack. Nice 28 degree morning here...
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