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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. EPS (0Z) looks a lot better vs 12 z in the long range (11-15) particularly wrt the Pacific.
  2. Front loaded winter it seems by those anomalies.
  3. Climate records for a major city are important.
  4. is there a new measurement system at Logan this winter?
  5. That’s an annual event-do we start now or wait for more negative guidance?
  6. Yeah a big step back today but not awful
  7. Through 11/13/19 BOS***. -3.1 ORH. -6.1 BDL: -4.0 PVD: -5.5
  8. Tip has no official duties at work. That’s the only explanation.
  9. I think 2-3 weeks later and it’s 2003 again.
  10. I have to say this is the best mid November pattern going forward that I can remember in a long while. Factoring the coastals in that assessment.
  11. I went out for a nice deep winter walk tonight.....remarkably cold and I have to remind myself it’s 11/13.
  12. I thought you were going to finish with the rest of winter will truly suck...well you did say that....
  13. Nice job Ray. Tons of work with a new baby to boot! I am in general agreement with your snow forecast for our area....though I might hedge Boston 38-48.
  14. But if the euro says game on its “ be careful sir-have a nice day”
  15. The GFS (FV3 latest version) sucks donkey balls. GEFS suck donkey balls. The euro is good. EPS is good. The end.
  16. I take the approach that for most of sne, this is not the storm that brings November snows. A few weeks later sure but pre 11/25 it’s a lot to ask for. Our November snows often come via clippers and sometimes overrunning SWFEs.
  17. Bad thermometer siting and all BOS had a high of 33 which broke the coldest max for the date by 3 degrees. Probably should have been 5-6.
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