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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Yeah you work with the budget you’re given and hope there’s enough pressure to change it-although the average voter could care less so that’s not happening.
  2. Incidentally even well into the first week of December our normal max for most in sne is >40. Heck, today’s normal high at BOS is 48.
  3. Move 100 miles north and maybe. When you’re above 850 with SE LLVL winds you aren’t snowing or icing. But your day will come by late in the week of 12/4.
  4. It’s like no one in NWS cares about important climo records at first order stations. Very disappointing.
  5. Through 11/24: BOS: -1.3F BDL: -1.9F ORH: -0.7F PVD: -2.6F Do we * PVD? I think today and tomorrow may add some negs which should dented at least a few days in the final week of the month so the numbers above are IMHO close to what we'll see in the end.
  6. So much anecdotal info in my head. I had this impression that a good November snow wise was very positive for a good snow season in Boston. Then I looked at the data and it’s literally all over the place. In the least snow in a season for BOS occurred when half the total happened in November. So I looked at all Novembers with 2.0 or greater snow totals at BOS. There were 26 of them in all of the data back 142 years. Keep in mind that the data from Logan airport began in 1935. The mean for the winter when Boston received 2.0 or more snow officially is 39.89 inches with a range from 9.0-110.6. Incidentally the 142 year long term average is 43.1. So I’m relaxing as raw snow totals on November aren’t really correlated too much.
  7. All of my friends around my age get unreasonably angry when I get happyof snow is coming….
  8. I can’t say I hated 3 days of 65-70 with sunny conditions in the Bay Area but I’m looking forward to coming home today-should be en route in minutes as the rest of the plane boards. I think the week of 12/4 may give many a good threat. So far it’s not last winter.
  9. I think the variability in the handling of the MJO will continue to cause some back and forth in the December guidance causing various fist bumping and bridge jumping for a little while longer which is a bit uncharacteristic as we approach the solstice but this high end strong Nino is not behaving like many have in recent years. I’m giving it another week before I make any declaration based on any evidence of how December untimely plays out.
  10. I hear you! Unfortunately for those it matters sunrise also gets later for another month.
  11. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Every day is an opportunity to be thankful for what we have. I feel that way when I wake up and can put 2 feet on the floor and have another day of good health. Enjoy the eating fest!
  12. The December relaxation period is actually trending less problematic with each run. NAO ftw.
  13. Not sure about 12/2. My family is planning a dinner maybe that night but I may be able to show up for a short time. I’ll try either way. Just as an aside, winters haven’t been the same since we stopped going to Clarkes Boston.
  14. High over Lake Huron and man it was bumpy all the way from BOS. This is not an insignificant system. Smoothing out just now thankfully. 33,764 feet per my elevation app. Looks like a pretty good thump for some-enjoy!
  15. I think our window for wintry precipitation is 11/25-12/5 and then we snooze for a spell.
  16. Really? Damn I’ve been sleeping since my college days…
  17. That winter was during my freshman year in college in upstate NY. Snow and cold dominated.
  18. Well it looks like we take a break for a spell beginning later in the first week of December probably into mid month and possibly beyond. GEFS has Pacific air flooding the nation below the Canadian border. By that time 40 for a high will feel ok so a few days of 45+ will feel even better. Hopefully we'll revert wintry in time for the Holidays but that's not usually how it's been working of late. Still this has a less ratter feel. But that's weenie talk.
  19. I thought about spending thanksgiving there about 6 years ago but didn’t. This year I opted for San Francisco…lol. Milder will feel good for a few days.
  20. RGEM still living off of its press clippings from 2015…
  21. EPS is tasty moving into the end of November into December.
  22. You could tell things are different this year as qq struggles for relevance within his 5 ppd.
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