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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I’ll take my 8-12 and like it! I’ll also be surprised to see that much
  2. No thank goodness! I’m about 10 miles WSW of Logan 200 feet up-chestnut Hill
  3. Great point! Cape Ann can make up on Monday evening/overnight
  4. The weenie level is off charts.... Euro will be out by 7. Save a horse. And don’t forget how early it is in the calendar.
  5. Weymouth fatties as others melt Monday late day?
  6. I overheard some ladies saying the exact same thing...
  7. Pike region h85 hits 0.7 for a period before crashing pre dawn Monday. Sort of selling a faster transit.
  8. And then crashes south by 9z. Too early for ageo?
  9. I just reviewed euro 700/850/925. 925s stay south of the pike by a decent margin event wide. 700 is fine. 850 comes up to just at the pike and then recedes south. This can easily be a bigger event than those snow maps say in greater Boston particularly pike region
  10. Ray’s vendor has the most reasonable clowns.
  11. And cold follows enhanced by nice region wide and Canadian snow cover.
  12. Snow exits the coast early Tuesday AM per all guidance
  13. Depends. Round 1 can easily give many 4-8.
  14. Let’s hope this is a burp run. It’s on the warmest side of guidance
  15. What I remember is Tips tirade. Kevin had all the reason to melt but didn’t as I recall. He’s a good weenie-does not get too upset when others do better.
  16. I got 18 inches on Boxing Day. Boston area rocked but tippy melted. I guess if you were in the good banding it rocked and if subsidence it sucked..
  17. It’s a snapshot. I thought it looked pretty good for all. The initial waa is robust qpf wise (15 mm)
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