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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I was shocked leaving work at JP about a half hour ago. Snowing and blowing and everything iced up. All roads covered. Near the pond which is lower in elevation roads were wet. Here at home snow covered roads and plow piles along with decent cover. Could be a fun night
  2. Friday is growing legs in a hurry!
  3. Wx weenie kid just called me. I told him it’s either minimal or big time. No in between and leaning minimal
  4. James, this product is great and updates continuously. https://www.spc.noaa.gov/exper/mesoanalysis/new/viewsector.php?sector=16
  5. One mans fun is another mans meh. Particularly in this business...
  6. Your only issue is getting your temperature down. If that happens you should get several inches.
  7. 32 at home now. Should be good when I get home later
  8. Lol...I’m betting you’re working in the same building as me.
  9. Actually a decent event but not notable
  10. Longitude yesterday...latitude today. Maddening
  11. NAM is a great solution and similar to 6z output
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