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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. There will likely be some cutters but with all the cold available and the propensity of at least transient blocking, we’ll have plenty of chances. Pattern is active.
  2. Dec 2003 had 16.9 at Logan and most think that was 6-8 low given pns. That was the storm I got stuck in Dallas for....finally when I could come home I was routed through LGA which reported about the same snow as BOS. No comparison to ground truth of snow otg-BOS much more.
  3. I’m calling it final. Total 9.6. 3.9 round 1 5.7 round 2
  4. Well it was prior run. I still take 1-3...not jaded yet...wait till next month.
  5. Euro says toss the crutches and run!
  6. Friday seems to have lost some oomph in latest guidance
  7. Real nice fatties now. 8.6 total so far from start on Sunday. Rain yesterday cost snow of course and I lost several inches spending hours in last nights sucker hole
  8. I was thinking finally we’ll get accurate snow measurement! Can the thermometer placement be far behind?
  9. I want to thank the folks on the water for melting-brought it back in from the dead!
  10. Looks like this round is not over by a long shot.
  11. Seems a lock to have the first 3 days in December with measurable snow. And whoever is doing the snow measuring seems to reflect ground truth for that area. I had 3.9 12/1 and 1.0 12/3 for a 4.9 total imby. Dryslotted all night but looks to be filling in now, so we’ll have a 3 day storm.
  12. Phew! I was worried the early snow was too much for you.
  13. 0.6 so far today. Two day total a whopping 4.5 but obviously more to go.
  14. In kind of a sucker hole. Hopefully we re-band.
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