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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I believe the scientific method disagrees with your reasoning. Perhaps 100 years from now we’ll have better data but I’m not counting on being here to find out.
  2. The big question is whether or not there's a game at the Garden that night. There is a Bruins game on the 19th. I've found spots on Canal Street but more likely in places like New Chardon Street which is about a 5-10 minute walk to Clarke's.
  3. Getting back to sample size. Bluewave, sample size of 7 is simply not scientifically valid. This is one of the reasons seasonal forecasts often are unreliable. Let's take the case of medical research. Accepted treatment modalities are formed from huge studies involving many locations often with sample sizes in the tens of thousands or higher. So one can speculate based on an n of 7 but if it busts it doesn't mean that bust is an outlier. We have a limited number of years where we have drilled down this far in data.
  4. Ya just gotta cope when the pope says nope.
  5. A below normal November is sealed it would seem. Through 11/27: BOS: -1.4 BDL: -1.9 PVD: -2.8* ORH: -1.0*
  6. The '66 Christmas event had my brother and I shoveling the front sidewalk of my Dad's pharmacy. There was a wave of men dropping dead of heart disease then so if there were able bodied offspring they were the default shovelers. It was nice snow-maybe 4-6 inches in the Englewood/Tenafly area. Mostly occurred Christmas morning similar to 2017 here but not as cold.
  7. 1957. I believe the storm was 12/4-5. In those days kids came home for lunch and my mother made a nice little lunch bday party for me having just turned 11 on the 1st. It was cloudy with the sky lowering and clouds thickening but temperatures were a problem. We ended up with a foot+ from the dynamic nature of the snow. So yes-12/5 was seared into my memory early. It was within a few days of that date the following year for our first meaningful snow. 50s/60s were early winters really lasting into the early 70s.
  8. In December,, 1960, my father scored Giants tickets against the expansion Cowboys who were 0-7 up to that point. They managed to tie the Giants that nearly 70 degree day 12/4/60. As that week progressed, temperatures stepped down to normal but the following Saturday was still 40s by day dropping sub freezing Saturday night. I wake up Sunday to what was then "provisional heavy snow warning" which is akin to WS Watch today. My mother made me sweep the oak leaves out of the garage and I happily did it as we faced north and the stinging wind carrying termperatures in the low 20s was in my face. Cirrus was spreading across the sky which by mid day was starting to blot out the sun. I turn on the Giants/Washington game at DC and the announcers start by saying we're having a blizzard in Washington! YA Tittle hits Del Shofner who scored the TD and ended in a snowbank. by 3PM it begins snowing lightly with the temperature near 20. It was one of those deals where it took forever to develop but unbeknownst to me the secondary was bombing off Hatteras and slowing down. We had an inch from 3-9PM. Then things began ramping up and at bedtime, with my bedroom facing the side of the house, I often opened the window and stuck my head out and craned my neck to check out the street light across the street-and low and behold it was starting to snow hard. I woke up at 5 AM to a raging blizzard-one of the all timers given the wind gusts exceeding 50 MPH at times, temperature of 9F, and heavy snow. Looking back and reflecting on Tip's post above, I am thinking that's how you do a December blizzard. We ended up with 18-24 throughout much of the area. It was one of 3 biggies to hit DC-New England during that glorious winter of 1960-61.
  9. While many are gong to the Funky Murphy GTG on 12/2, let's renew the Boston GTG at Clarke's Boston at Faneuil Hall. I'm proposing Tuesday, 12/20/2023 (5 days before Christmas) for a festive night of weenie city. Clarke's is the last place many of us saw James when he came with his friend. I'm glad we got a chance to meet him in person before his sad departure. Post your interest ITT. Will and Garth have expressed interest and many others have come in the past. Let's do this and bring back snowy winters! Tuesday 12/19 (apparently Clarke's is no longer open Mondays per web hours listed).' https://www.clarkesboston.com/index.html
  10. May not show up positive before Wednesday either way.
  11. That’s fine. I’m still going to try and make it.
  12. I think I voted 12/16 but I can do 12/9 also. What time is the start 12/2?
  13. Since it is my birthday weekend, we have dinner reservations Saturday night. They include our daughter and her bf. We also have stuff at home Friday dinner with a larger group including some cousins. I’m just not sure I can fit it all in this weekend. If I come or will probably be for a short time early.
  14. The Pacific doesn't look good really until near mid December. Oh we'll get some cold shots but timing is everything probably until around 12/15. GEFS appear to have taken a step back tonight not surprisingly. MJO progs have been less favorable until post 12/5-7 and by the time we get the atmospheric response we're nearing mid month. Remember folks, this year is about one day later than the earliest possible Thanksgiving. So it's quite early still and mid December is nearly 3 weeks away.
  15. I remember rain increasing in intensity Friday morning and heavy wain and wind all night with a rapid flip to snow around 7AM Saturday continuing into Saturday night. I also recall milder wx for a while after that storm passed. Inauguration Day 1993 for Clinton’s first term was very warm here-60+.
  16. I think that was 12/10/92 but yes. Tip’s rendition of the rain/snow line crashing SE observed on campus at UMASS Lowell was a masterpiece.
  17. That has to sting with areas near BOS getting close to 100!
  18. Yes but it kind of petered out February and March. We had the near miss in March which left a sour taste in my mouth. Really nice December and January though.
  19. 2013-14 was a tad subpar here. What did you get for 1993-94?
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