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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. EPS signaling a snowy period after the weekend.
  2. There’s a lot of flags for frontsie backsie. Should be interesting to see of anything pans out.
  3. For awhile you would verbatim or sleet. MBY is good for snow so does anything else matter?
  4. We blizzard d8-9 on the op euro. Lock it.
  5. Gfs agrees in principle so I think we have a chance
  6. Close the shades Thursday for a spell
  7. Finally seeing this Don. Excellent work! It matches my thoughts as well. Thank you for taking the time to put this out!
  8. CMC is rather snowy for the frontsie backsie.
  9. So you’re saying we may have to go almost a week without snow in December? Preposterous!
  10. And you’re above normal in the snow department by a big margin.
  11. Well hopefully the GEFS score a coup but it’s not what I would bet on. That look is serviceable in the long range. It’s also a big improvement vs 0Z GEFS so maybe something is going on...we’ll know mid day.
  12. 6-10 is decent which may take our sensible wx to around 12/20-22 before we grinch it up.
  13. Pacific really took a step into doodoo 0Z vs 12z long range.
  14. You may have to go deep.......like Canada although I wouldn’t be surprised if 1 or 2 systems snow on us in SNE.
  15. My friend texted me yesterday and my response was: low end 1-3, probable 2-4, high end 3-6.
  16. 6 hours slower and way more robust on the NAM.
  17. It won’t be this week. Regardless they’ll get a foot or more of upslope post fropa.
  18. Clown range SNE snow event on today’s op euro.
  19. So we lose it, get it back to a degree quickly then lose it again. Still a pretty nice December in comparison to most of the past 10 winters.
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