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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. We’re not far from a widespread warning event, one more small tick is all that is needed.
  2. We press. Euro a smidge colder again.
  3. Nice snowstorm signal on GEFS leading into xmas.
  4. By the 20th we’re going to if anything increase our negative departures. It would take one heckuva torch the final 1/3rd of the month to erase that.
  5. Swfes come in so many permutations. It’s hard to forecast because on some level most are still on the table.
  6. I think north of the pike in northern MA is in on it too.
  7. Yes. I remember during a mild winter day you commented on the 11-15 and that theme was repeated often. You were right but sensible wx is more fun this year so far.
  8. I dunno...despite a shit pattern we seem to be wintering nicely. Remember all the times last winter when scooter was disrobing over the wonderful pattern progged only to come up with snake eyes?
  9. Mostly agree but acknowledged very cold air is modeled here within the next 7-10 days.
  10. Snow maps are really a joker. I’m surprised a man as astute as Ray uses them so much. I suspect he realizes that but the addiction to them won’t be denied....
  11. GFS seems to not know whether to shit or go blind in clown range.
  12. May want to see if 12z follows 6z trend of better on the euro.
  13. So it begs the old question...less up to date upper air data? I thought that was no longer true?
  14. Euro (only goes to 90 hours 6/18z) looks flatter to me vs 0Z
  15. Too bad you’re no longer in SNE this December....
  16. What’s up with all the fighting lately?
  17. Very cold signal in clown range. 480 thickness just north of Lake Superior. Yowzers!
  18. It looks like snow/sleet/zr and a modest amount at best I’m today’s guidance. That said, we continue this December to remember.
  19. You mean the 3 little pigs? Big bad wolf shows up just past 1pm
  20. Well your favorite model has that look...gfs op and it’s trending colder gradually. But it is certainly possibly but doesn’t have the big 1998 style ice storm look. More like a swfe. Euro otoh is a near miss snow to the south. EPS looks nice for snow.
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