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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. You mean the EPO we’ve had since autumn modeled to relax and come back...that one? You’re a dummy.
  2. I’m trying to figure out what this means.....
  3. EPS finally showing signs of building EPO at the end of the run. We’ll see.
  4. Glaze on pavement is an awful combo for me. On snow you can walk on it. Even under snow with enough snow on top (1 inch or more) it’s manageable.
  5. So we have NAM/GFS with a solid bump north. Uncle apparently similar to euro. Since we weight euro 1.5 it’s the tiebreaker in an hour or so.
  6. CMC is pretty snowy for BOS especially the later 1/2 of the event.
  7. Keep it. Unless it’s on snowpack.
  8. Totally reasonable. Squalls Wednesday pm and then crying for momma from cold.
  9. Nice squally activity ushering in deep cold Wednesday afternoon this week.
  10. CMC still is colder or the same as 12z. Euro is a snow event for me. Ok trend can stabilize
  11. Gfs still the warmest by far so far 18z/0Z tho 0Z a bit colder
  12. This is starting to remind me of 12/13/07 lite. Modeling was messy and it ticked colder in the final 2 days per recollection
  13. Because the equipment apparently is functioning per calibration but the placement near active runways appears to add temperature in many conditions. I mean when the whole area is snowing beautiful dendrites including Logan but they pop up with 33-34 when every nearby station is 2-3 lower it’s a big flag. At least they appear to have fixed the snow measuring this year.
  14. And yes BOS had a week with 3 50+ days. It’s going to be cold Monday onwards with some days upwards of 10+ subnormal possibly.
  15. We take! Although I think they shat the bed. Or this past Wednesday’s system right?
  16. Euro shows how to be an island of deep cold in a sea of warmth courtesy and of scooter highs.
  17. Deep January style cold this week on euro.
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