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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Fail. Clown range bu scooter highs save us often
  2. No it was a year later...or I should say a winter later
  3. That was the storm I met wxniss for in Brookline Village and we walked up to Coolidge Corner in heavy snow. I’m in Trader Joe’s getting a bottle of wine and wxniss is looking upset pressed against the window. A monsoon on the way home which lasted 90 minutes before flipping back to snow. My current location probably never flipped and likely had close to 8 inches. Supposedly the changeover never got west of the BU Bridge.
  4. It’s a reshuffling with hopefully an improved pacific in January. Atlantic has delivered the goods this month and it appears to remain in play so broad brushing is dangerous.
  5. You would not fit the description of “a most happy fella”..
  6. I measured 1.2 today. Logan had 1.3 as of dinner time. Can’t remember the last time Logan had more than me......
  7. I’m not sure why you’re allowed to post bullshit. I’ll play it straight. Canada is very cold. I’ll post the euro inits again...
  8. Shut off for now. Was snizzle/ip which coated the roads which are pretty bad. Dual pol seems to verify further south with mid line vs most guidance at the last minute.
  9. All snizzke now and fairly thick,,,, coating everything up. First measurement of the day...1.0 inch.
  10. Definitely a wintry appeal. Even BOS has stayed subfreezing for the entirety so far.
  11. Light to moderate sleet sometimes morphing to snizzle. Nice walk in wintry precip.
  12. What’s with the NAM timing? Seems whacked
  13. SNH will get more than 2 inches...pretty confident about that.
  14. Isn’t HRRR useless beyond the very near term?
  15. SV option. Paywalled but available on a lot of places.
  16. Looks like we’re honing into a typical SNE swfe. Thanks Will!
  17. Damn ...just ran a skew......sleet in by 17z at bos
  18. Sleet doesn’t get past the pike on the NAM at least through 21 hours. What a crushing!
  19. Damn NAM thumps but 6 hours later. Cold too.
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