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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Thanks Steve! Fingers crossed....looking wintry to open 2020.
  2. Through 12/21 BOS: -0.8***** BDL: -3.0 PVD: -2.8 ORH: -4.0 Sore thumb
  3. I’m actually looking forward to a full melt. Our dog had major surgery last Thursday and having to maneuver on ice while she is really disabled for a few days has been tough. ACL plus meniscus tear repair left hind leg. Hopefully good as new by spring.
  4. You may be above normal. BOS averages about 7-8 for December with a long term seasonal mean of 43 inches.
  5. This reminds me of last years gradient but this year it’s maybe 100 miles further south?
  6. What’s your snowfall to date vs average?
  7. Which ones? I don’t recall seeing it said here....
  8. We need Kevin in sales to interpret
  9. I think a snow threat or 2 shows up more definitively in the next couple of days for the remainder of December.
  10. The clipper that blew up. Before regional forums and MA folks were bullshit...lol
  11. NAO is giving us chances. If that PNA is right-Archambault event in the first days 2020?
  12. How does anyone get altitude sickness at such a low altitude? Commercial airliners pressurize at roughly the height of the mount Washington summit.
  13. We had minisplits in our prior house. Removed the oil tank and burner. But the electric bill kind of made up for it and thensome. Gas now. Expensive also. Solar is the way to go and once technology advances a bit more we won’t have those hideous roof panels.
  14. So a pattern of cold first half of month milder 2nd half seems to be going on for a long time. Looks to me like we continue that into January.
  15. Shelby Scott is definitely a weenie. I remember once in the early 70s her hometown of Seattle got an 8 inch dump which is huge for them. She had that pained look of wistful wish I were there feelings.
  16. Have my muthufukkas officially ended?
  17. After that storm NAO went wild and we had marine maritime garbage until right after New Years. We went to town that first week of January. Winter for the ages for sure marred by the January 2 week torch and later in February for 10 days.
  18. Yup. I’m starting to get a 2004-05 vibe
  19. If we maintain that Canadian blocky look we could ward off the worst of it. Split flow in a Nino with a shitty pacific happens fairly frequently
  20. Lol...no deeper into clown range-around NYE/NYD
  21. Actually I’d take that h5 look most of the time...
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