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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. It almost seems paradoxical but good snow in SNE helps ski areas in NNE. Serious skiers go no matter what but casual skiers which represent most I suspect are more likely to go with snow at their house. Totally different mindset vs California. LA never gets snow nor does San Francisco. But good skiing can be found a 90 minute care drive from those cities and no one obviously waits for snow in their yards..lol.
  2. Light snow. Some ground whitening. Visibility probably >3 miles
  3. Wasn’t that a Tuesday night/Wednesday am event? Nice fluff bomb is my memory
  4. Look I’m as guilty as everyone else. But thankfully old age has given me a bit more perspective these days. Hopefully the weekend torch won’t fail.
  5. My point is this has been modeled as a crap event for 90%+ of the board (The winners are a few inches save for James who may get 5-6). In our decent winter this Thread wouldn’t get nearly as much action. This winter since mid December has been abominable.
  6. I’ll be up in BTV by Thursday. Looking forward to seeing and feeling like winter.
  7. James and canal people should do ok. Rest of us hungry people awaiting crumbs
  8. Agree....bl is always too warm with these on gfs. Once snow starts, you’ll wetbulb quickly.
  9. I would book James for 3-6 or maybe a touch more.
  10. That’s right. He had a Facebook post from an early March event with pictures
  11. I think he was departed by then. I’m pretty sure that I am the only one of us who met him, we used to all be on mirc back about 20-22 years ago. I had dinner with him in Hingham at this fish place. He had an iPhone-wasn’t yet available on Verizon. We were checking out the ETA for the snowmageddon DC storm to see if we had a shot, He was reeling but the line snapped and we know what we ended up with.
  12. Scratch and be sure to wash your hands afterward
  13. BOS finished with 9.3 that year. Futility record is 9.0 (1936-37)
  14. Probably the best (for winter lovers) eps rum in a few days at least for the magical Kevin date and beyond
  15. Isn’t the euro both? Unsure about uncle other than to say he’s probably on a bender today
  16. And heck-it’s snowing now-infrequent but fat flakes.
  17. It depends. I think most of us in eastern areas considered 2014-15 A+ due to 80-100 inches in a 30 day period. This despite flirting with futility at this point in the season. Had we received half that amount most of us would still grade it A-/B+. Tying the grade to constancy of winter means 98% are flawed.
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