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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Great city! We stayed in this fabulous boutique hotel when we were there 2 summers ago. Want to go in the winter!
  2. I don’t remember the backlash. Maybe you triggered wolfie but I can’t remember-elaborate.
  3. I wanna see the melts if we can manage what the op euro is selling...
  4. I just looked at the uvm webcam and got jealous. I’m waiting for my daughter to rub it in....
  5. It seems like snow chances will be there. If wake up on 2/1 with not much to show for it we may have to acknowledge that this is one of those winters but I still suspect most end up normal snow for the season when we close the books on the winter of 2019-20.
  6. It’s also sparse on qpf in SNE.
  7. What’s way inland? I think even Boston is good for 2-4.
  8. You may get an hour of snow followed by light rain with maybe a parting snow shower. Enjoy.
  9. To me it looked like dog shit.
  10. That would be high summer to me. Late summer. Mid August to the equinox.
  11. What was the first half of 77-78 like?
  12. Do we flip 2007 style or roast into March 2012 like?
  13. We seem to be sliding back to a somewhat better thump on recent guidance and that so far continues at 12z.
  14. When? I don’t think a d8 prof counts.
  15. But not from a system that wouldn’t be in play for them. Yes per climo but no per SWFE yesterday,, today, and tomorrow.
  16. Pretty much staying the course at 12z. 2-6 for sne dependent on latitude and longitude. 6-10 NNE but including northern 495 belt of sne
  17. That’s a great antecedent for the weekend system. If we can maintain some ageo we can all have some fun.
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