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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. We honed it to northern VT for now. Booked a place in CON Sunday night easing the drive Monday. I’m thinking somewhere in the BTV to St Albans region. Ironically NNE stands to be the sunniest place for this one.
  2. I was originally planning to go to TX but I decided to bank on a drive knowing I can make a last minute rebook if conditions dictate. We are planning somewhere in the ROC-ERI corridor. New eclipse glasses arrived today.
  3. I’m not sure about that actually. The Boston burbs often have climo averages in the 50s with decent retention. The city-sure.
  4. Pretty disturbing that Brattleboro doesn’t average much more snow vs BOS.
  5. I have NOT deployed Roy just yet.
  6. It’s even cool here relatively. 72 with low dews. Coolest day since we arrived 3/5.
  7. That was exactly my thinking when I was your age. Three years ago I came down kicking and screaming. This year is so different for me. I think if I rode like you do it might be different but that also gets tougher with advancing age.
  8. Far from Tampa. Naples is our base. Even the beaches on a warm day are not crowded. The only traffic I’ve been in was when I drove up to RSW to pick up our daughter and bf who came down for the weekend of 3/8. And it was minimal by Boston standards.
  9. The east coast of Florida is a congested high stress area. We’ve been on the west coast and it’s much more livable. But yeah summer is rough. Besides, New England summers are our crown jewel. I no longer ski and really don’t want to be relegated to an indoor life for months at a time. Boston is also the center of people who think they shit ice cream. It’s tiresome. I am surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed being down here this time. It happens to many of us.
  10. Speaking of Savannah, we’ll be there Friday to Monday-breaking camp from Naples Friday morning-will miss the 80s. Should be home in New England miserable spring wx next Tuesday night. Next winter probably 2-3 months in FL always with the option of flying home for a big snow and returning after the dopamine drip stops as in storm leaves.
  11. Steve, those eps charts aren’t helpful. If you have extreme outliers it affects the mean too much even with an N of 51. Show us the spaghetti.
  12. We are in that beloved season of temperature talk.
  13. For about 7-10 days then the escalator goes up
  14. Roy’s warming up. I’m giving it another couple of days but the muted cold shouldn’t surprise people. A dry hot July awaits.
  15. Valuing our vehicles to that extent is decidedly a first world problem…
  16. Into the freezer is a bit strong on the wording..
  17. You got like 5 inches in NH on 3/9 after a 10 day weenie fest and that’s a big storm? Just because it’s bigger than other systems this season doesn’t mean it didn’t under perform.
  18. Every one of these has failed-100% and yet some keep hitting them. Know the personality of the season.
  19. Interesting down here in Florida local’s are saying this is mid April wx. I suspect we’re going to roast July/August.
  20. They weren’t as bad as this year….
  21. I held on until age 74 when I deemed it prudent to minimize my back strain. But in fairness, during my 60 hour per week work years I hired people beginning at age 69.
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