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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. The coast would take a wind and tide beating.
  2. NWS (was the weather bureau back then) claimed 85% accuracy out to 5 days.
  3. Bullshit. MJO is mainly in cod and no help or hurt.
  4. So why bother? Revert to 1945 and try to predict without guidance
  5. Discount all guidance because you were burned 2 weeks ago at your own risk. Get ahold of yourselves weenies! It’s science and doesn’t give a shit about your preferences.
  6. Exactly. Just because 1/25/00 happened doesn’t mean every predicted whiff is going to hit. Perhaps 2 weeks ago the pattern was being rushed which happens a lot.
  7. Long range eps getting quite weenieish.
  8. Signal on 3 op models for a big storm. We’ll see.
  9. I know what you went through but I’m sorry...missing the qpf by 20 miles is not much of a choke. You were always too close to the edge for comfort. But I feel your pain.
  10. That’s decent ensemble support for d8. What I remember was some models going with a DC blizzard and SNE whiff and scooter melting more. Saturday morning I woke up and poked at the overnight euro and we had a blizzard progged for SNE. Other models came on board over the next 24 hours. And then we had a month of incredible fun!
  11. If we’re going to get a comeback it’s probably gonna have to be 2012-13 style.
  12. Well that’s the 6Z run but 0z was improved particularly with the ridging developing N of AK,
  13. I think the ensembles are heading somewhere good for February. We’ll see if it’s real.
  14. I’m holding onto 1959-60. Shit winter until 3/3/60. Suddenly one of the all timers of the 20th century snows up.
  15. Honestly although it’s useless to discuss on this level but verbatim it seems to blow its load up to the pike and then occlude
  16. Kevin drops some red meat and wolfie can’t help devouring it....
  17. It’s funny but I didn’t start consistently until last year thanks to Pickles and Ray’s bet. Now I do it As best I can to see what my snow average really is.
  18. Every last one of us. It’s food....it’s sex.....it’s everything. That’s why so many are relieved when the season ends and our brains can revert back to normal.
  19. You play music? I was hoping someone would pick up on it! I did Long ago and wish I still did.
  20. Through 1/22/2020 BOS: +8.5** BDL: +6.9 PVD: +6.4 ORH: +6.1 Graphic display of BOS issues...
  21. Days palpably longer now. I’m getting cautiously optimistic that we redeem some of winter in February and March.
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