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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. But by mid January we knew. I never had the October bomb (2 inches total) so 2011-12 was ratter right out of the gate to me.
  2. I wouldn’t. You’re still running well below your normal and your January and February totals are abysmal so far. Most of the snow occurring in both months was followed by non snow precipitation. The thing is, 2001-02 and 2011-12 were winters without expectation of improvement. This one had so much promise that kind of went poof close to 2 months ago. I’m starting to really look forward to summer heat.
  3. I remember your concern in the fall. The staff of your weather office did a good job!
  4. 1954 had carol, Edna, Hazel. All major hits.
  5. That’s 1936-37. 9 inches for Boston’s all time low. FYI 2011-12 was 9.3 inches.
  6. In recent years BOS has had big snows but some major ratters sprinkled in.
  7. Getting back to 2011-12, I think I got 2 sloppy inches for October bomb. That winter was the ratter to end all ratters.
  8. Ground white again. Should be bare by the time I return home after work.
  9. Except he had above normal snow for the season in yby and near normal to above in mine.
  10. Middle eastern snow. I was in Jerusalem in mid March 2007 and cold rain turned into hours of pounding snow. It was getaway day and my cab to the airport in Tel Aviv at a much lower elevation brought me into showery but much milder wx. Our flight was through London with an overnight at a hotel near the airport and a morning flight direct to BOS. Get into BOS as snow is increasing...arriving in time for the biggest event of that sorry season. I went from snow to snow.
  11. It could be 5-6 years. That’s a long time if you’re in your 70s...
  12. A lot of anger today. It’s only our preferred wx-not worth it to get so worked up!
  13. Pigs are misunderstood intelligent animals. The fact that they can have an effect on the weather in the NHEM means they have to be smart!
  14. We tried for a ginxy birthday storm but alas it is not to be.....enjoy the day nonetheless!
  15. That Reno NWS temperature is cold but I recall during a mild spell being in mammoth lakes around 8,000feet in elevation and overnight temperatures were in the teens so I don’t think it’s all that unusual?
  16. I’m in this camp. 1959-60 was rolling just like this winter and then we hit March with a huge bomb and a very cold month. To me that brought the winter grade way up as a 7th grader having thrown in the towel before March. Ya never know....
  17. We had it.....but the cold went west thanks to -PNA.
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