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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I thought 2015-16 was better. Fringed by the blizzard and good snows in March (and April). But December through most of February was horrendous. Coldest BOS day in 60 years on Valentine’s Day brings it up a notch.
  2. Maybe we can futility next season. Partially kidding. Typically, the winter following a ratter of this magnitude performs well.
  3. I gotta laugh when I see 2.2 referred to as a good one. Then again I spent 15 years in Southern California...
  4. I really wasn’t. I did have hopes those 1-2 weeks meant something but 2+ months durability of failed colder patterns broke me...lol.
  5. Never underestimate the personality of a winter when a change seems like it’s coming.
  6. Not worth it-adds too much drive time and you don’t have anywhere near the pack ubiquitous up here. Same for Westminster
  7. Didn’t see snow until we got to the north side of Nashua.
  8. Had to take an emergency trip to Burlington. Deep deep winter, great durable pack. What a difference in 210 miles!
  9. Sun is out. Nice day lift the spirits. This winter can shove it.
  10. Week of 3/2 starts our little run if we’re going to have one.
  11. Lakes region and northeast has been the modeled max for this event.
  12. It hasn’t changed from that look. In fact I’d say today is pretty close. Not sure it happens but it’s modeled
  13. Funny I just dropped my daughter off at the bus station at south station for her ride back to Burlington. Spring like day in Boston but certainly mid winter conditions up north. Spring break is the week of 3/9 and I think I may head up to pick her up....drive up Thursday afternoon the 5th...take her to dinner and pick her up after classes on the 6th. Get a dose of winter.
  14. When I observed the crocuses in mid January I knew we were done. That signal has never failed with the exception of 2006-07 which while turning cold still managed to screw us snow wise.
  15. I thought PDay was modeled ok but the big north trend was January 2005. The day before 2003 was really cold....highs in the teens down to nyc. Snow began close to noon and rocked on heavy deep into the evening. I have some photos I took on a walk during the storm on Don Sutherlamd’s digital snow machine.
  16. Don’t forget mammoth still has 3 months of legit snow possibilities
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