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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. As the virus mutated, it spread faster and faster. Initially it was slower in the very early days.
  2. The workers who often don’t get paid sick leave are the people serving you in restaurants, cleaning houses, providing all kinds of personal services. The chickens of the elevation of the almighty dollar at the expense of many workers for the past 40 years are coming home to roost.
  3. Other masks will protect if worn properly in a high risk environment. Don’t sell this thing short. Personally, as a man in my 70s working in a hospital I’m ultra cautious. I had pneumonia as a child and the rare times I get a virus settling in my lungs I get pretty sick. Overall I consider myself healthy but not stupid. That said...I’m not wearing a mask.....yet. Avoiding flying wouldn’t be a bad idea.
  4. This is the biggest world wide (including the USA) threat in any of our life times.
  5. I had the flu 2 years ago and went in to be tested in the early stages. There were no masks to be found but doctors in the office wore them to protect themselves. I thnk there’s a lot of misinformation regarding masks. If you’re in an area with sick people and you have no choice but to be there....I think masks can be protective, particularly N95 masks.
  6. So looks like another week with reasonable readings at BOS. Fixed?
  7. Driving up to northern VT via 89 Thursday returning yesterday. I had been there on the same route 2 weeks earlier. Snow line advanced 50 miles north in that time...now just beyond Concord.
  8. For a small subset of people. It’s almost impossible to know who though....
  9. I bet you eat cold hot dogs....
  10. Alcohol and marijuana can be beneficial if taken in recommended doeses. The problem is pursuit of the eternal buzz often results in over consumption. Since they both are legal substances now, and since we’ve established DUI criteria for alcohol, we need to tighten those areas for weed. Personally, I choose to limit my drug to caffeine and whatever the doctor prescribes to prolong my life.
  11. He’s warming up the chords....
  12. I harken back to my mindset 60 years ago tonight. It was Thursday night 3/2/60 and we had heavy snow warnings amid fresh cold in NNJ after a garbage winter. Of course Friday was school and they didn’t do pre emptive closings in those days, 7AM Friday morning snow begins and starts accumulating right away....you know it may be good when you have those immediate wisps of snow blowing in the street. By 9am it’s raging and we’re stuck in school. Noon dismissal at the storms height-my dad shows up in his Volkswagen Beetle and 6 of us pile in. One of the big challenges was getting up the hill on west Englewood Avenue. The storm raged into the night-an all timer kicking off a legit winter March month. About 6 months later hurricane Donna, then 2 months after that JFK gets elected thanks to all the dead people voting in Chicago. By mid December-we were embarking on the epic winter of 1960-61. Fun times.
  13. That has to be the worst spelling for skewing I’ve seen....
  14. Gotta go with a big member these days...
  15. As Richard Pryor said...”well fuk it then!”
  16. I saw you posted and was thinking...here comes the ICON report.
  17. I think the problem is the virus changes how it spreads. Ultimately it may be no more or much more deadly vs flu. The 1918 pandemic was lights out terrible but it was 1918. I think people with the strongest immune systems may be at pretty high risk because it is precisely this immune system that fills the lungs with fluid risking life. Obviously people with other underlying health issues are at risk from any virus and coronavirus is unknown enough to scare the shit out of the population. We’ve seen that mismanagement resulted in higher morbidity and mortality (early days in China, Italy, Japan, Korea). The US response at the border was good but to have untrained and unprotected workers screening incoming folks is pretty bad. However I think communities have done a good job. That said....how many well carriers in the country are spreading this around? We don’t know.
  18. One thing for certain is that this is the last threat we track in standard time. Everything is an hour later starting Sunday.
  19. My daughter’s last class ends 3pm Friday. I told her I want to leave right at 3 to beat a potential storm with a 3.5 hour drive. There I jinxed it...
  20. I think I discard 4-5 and consider the other eastern solutions possible and seen often enough in phased storms that just miss over the years. That said....I think this one delivers
  21. They’re not near Bermuda but they are east of the mean. It is actually possible to phase but too late for land interaction.
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