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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I think this year is a bonus. I remember many a spring that featured misery mist right up to the solstice
  2. Setting up for more over the top heat?
  3. I’ll take the 80s any day of the week.
  4. Just worked up a great sweat on my walk-feeling good! Hope it lasts. Showers ftw.
  5. And regarding farmers, it’s very difficult to establish long term success anywhere in the USA without a backup irrigation system.
  6. I think we were maybe 20% below normal which to me doesn’t constitute a drought.
  7. My forecast is a torrid June after the first week. I expect week of 6/1 to be -3F departure, week of 6/8 should be +1, week of 6/15 +4, week of 6/22 normal, week of 6/29 +8 (only 3 days). Monthly temperatures: around +3 Monthly rain: 70% of normal.
  8. Kevin needs to relive one of the years I was in Southern California when we didn’t see one drop of rain for 7 months...
  9. We had droughts within the last 10 years? Can you post rainfall numbers for all of those years?
  10. Same here..kind of weird based on past years. Suns out now-steamy summer like day.
  11. I believe it’s man of La Mancha aka don Quixote
  12. Just took my mid day walk. Definitely need another shower
  13. Except it’s happened kind of forever at times? Maybe if it’s an all summer theme I can buy the speculative cause and effect...
  14. Turning into a nice summer like day.
  15. Sun starting to burn it off as we speak. Should reach the 80s with dews.
  16. Quite muggy this morning. Low clouds and 65. Summery again with dews today
  17. That’s it! We were in the old stage deli on Boylston street and the 57 afternoon temperature was being pimped on tv. Awful period!
  18. I kind of remember having my 11 year old son and going to the esplanade to watch the fireworks that got rained out. It could have been the 5th that had that cold high of 57.
  19. I thought the high was 57?
  20. It’s actually Eversource which used to be NStar. Taunton must be among the few towns with municipal utilities in MA?
  21. Here’s a good story about ac for you. I was a teenager and my dad had a good year so we put in central ac. The compressor was under my window on the ground at the side of the house. Now for context....drinking age in neighboring NY State was 18 at the time. So by 16 we would go into NYC and get by. One night I came home way toasted. After getting by my mother who was up late...I got to my room. Then it hit me that I was going to barf. So I used the waste basket in my room. I then dumped it out the window. Roll ahead about a month for the first hot day that ac was needed. There’s my mother trying to figure out why the house stinks of vomit....
  22. Not true! We’ve used it in our prior home. We live in Brookline..
  23. It took all day but Logan finally lost the onshore breeze. Temperature responded quickly. My high was 81.
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