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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. That was an intense little bugger with 15 minutes of torrential rain and plenty of nearby lightning.
  2. You’re my man! Embrace summer and winter. Fuk spring and fall.
  3. No ones doing time for any non serious infraction with covid and all....
  4. A good metaphor for aging.....
  5. Don’t confuse Motrin PM with regular Motrin (ibuprofen)
  6. It has an antihistamine which works for most but not everyone. I personally don’t use it but my wife does after having her doctor ok it. Sleep medicine should be consulted for issues that Paul has.
  7. Right! Just stiff enough to enjoy.
  8. Had to pick up my Father’s Day gift card from relatives at the Brookline Booksmth. Solid 1.5 miles each way walking fast. Very sweaty!
  9. A hurricane to the rescue in August?
  10. Hardly any rain here of late. Weekend storms missed by just a few miles...
  11. BTV with 5 consecutive days AOA 90 including today. Wow!
  12. Kevin’s back! Heat is burgeoning going forward. Ineeddank is going to be pissed off.
  13. You obviously ignored the NAM for the past 3 days.
  14. Sunny here. 70s. One day break but we done with misery mist until spring.
  15. Not in my 36 years living in New England. Better nyc southward
  16. Pay attention to less global and more local. You missed decent cells in New England both weekend days.
  17. Lightning alert on my phone and thunder heard.
  18. Sea breeze front? Roasting here at 91.
  19. BOS dews are influenced my the onshore flow today. Still pretty warm at 85/68 at high noon.
  20. Hot day....sweaty 2 hour hike. Felt good!
  21. First official 90 at BOS in the books for today. Summer on solstice weekend. Seasons in seasons.
  22. Also looks like Phineas may have some fun today with severe.
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