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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Second half of July has been warm. And that looks to continue for the foreseeable future.
  2. Strong storms moved through around 5 yesterday. Definitely in the top tier for this season so far.
  3. I see that point. It’s just younger community folks work there which poses a risk to everyone else.
  4. Why? A lot of younger care givers were sickened or died from those facilities.
  5. Daily numbers are disturbing. I’ve been following per million numbers and check 2-3 weeks ago vs today. Because they are rural states there’s a limit to how bad it can get. On the flip side, can hospitals handle the end result. Not entirely sure why other than the surge happening in the south and west.
  6. And HI has a huge geography advantage. But Montana and Wyoming aren’t doing that well. So yes rural is easier but it still has to be managed.
  7. Well for me on days I don’t work (Saturday-Monday), morning doesn’t exist before 10 at the earliest. Burns off by then.
  8. I go by cases per million in population. HI still lowest but VT is next.
  9. Incidence is way lower in dark skinned people regardless of severity.
  10. What a load of crap.... So you’re saying Africans are more susceptible?
  11. Saturday and Sunday of the past weekend?
  12. Way up firm and high referring to “points of her own”
  13. None PVD/ORH. Looks like BDL tarmac is the sore thumb?
  14. I had a squamous cell carcinoma on the top of my head removed in December 2014. I was at a meeting in DC and this prominent dermatologist I’m friends with and I were walking to dinner. He’s done tons of research and one thing stuck. He said if I get it again it’s probably a death sentence. I don’t go to the beach before 4-5pm and never without a hat and plenty of sun block. I remove my shirt if I swim but otherwise cover. You learn the hard way sometimes. I was throw caution to the wind before the MOHS procedure. Thankfully they got it all with clear margins the first cut. Be careful!
  15. White boy meteorologist goes out 6 hours unprotected within a month of the solstice. Methinks brain damage preceded this event..lol.
  16. Well just about everyone had a 3 day heatwave. First of 2020 summer
  17. Building heat signal for the upcoming weekend. Maybe the special aspect of this summer is starting?
  18. I think most employees covered by insurance automatically have to accept generic if it’s available. Call the insurance company and find out your options. Then call your doctor and have that person work with you. Huge numbers of folks take medicine daily.
  19. I did that once in Needles,CA in 114 heat. Awesome!
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