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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. I will too soon enough. Can’t believe I’m giving up this summer for the cause but I’m reaching the end.....
  2. Zzzzzz....maybe the tropical threat makes it all right with the world....
  3. So somewhat OT but our daughter had a reasonably lucrative baby sitting gig in this town right on the Canadian border about 40 minutes north of Burlington. Heading up there for her second day the mom says oh btw our last sitter who the kids saw a week prior is sick and positive. Of course neither she nor the kids wore masks indoors the previous day. She called the VT public health department and they told her not to worry. She decided to quarantine and was tested yesterday for the 2nd time since moving there 7/1. Negative results today is a huge relief! She’ll celebrate by climbing Mt Ascutney wIth a friend.
  4. Heading up to Pine River Pond in NH (Wakefield) over the weekend. Prefer lakes to sea now but still love me some ocean.
  5. Hot morning-rare and special to be this warm around here at daybreak. I echo Kevin’s sadness over the loss of light-I hate that part of autumn more than anything!
  6. Who here remembers wiz selling hot dogs—-no shit-actual hot dogs-during the best sne tornado of the past 40 years?
  7. I’m a heat lover into October. September can be a sneaky hot month.
  8. Tough to have to depend on compressional heating from the downslope but maybe.....
  9. Not sure if today is hottest of 2020 but if it hits 97-98 and that stands as the year’s max at least it’s respectable.
  10. 81 at BOS 1AM. Just put to walk the dog...clear. Could be a nice scorcher. MAV up to 99 for BOS.
  11. I remember the 8 consecutive AOA 90 at BOS in 1994. That’s pretty amazing considering the location at waters edge.
  12. FL has definitely maxed out. Hopefully people will be careful there because it’s still a shit show. TX/CA still struggling a lot especially TX. The good news is everyone’s border is closed so hopefully we can keep this all internal.
  13. I’m watching the metrics where I work. So far so good....
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