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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. One of my friends is a subject. She’s a surgeon at one of the local hospitals in Boston. She got a little sick for one day but felt fine by day 2.
  2. Laparoscopic surgery gives the rapid recovery probability.
  3. I was sort of tongue in cheek. But the reality is I went back to work after 1.5 weeks. I actually felt ok but tired and draggy until January (procedure was 11/2/2017).
  4. Your liver is 20 years younger. You'll do fine.
  5. FWIW-around midnight last night it got wild with frequent lightning near Chicago.
  6. The hardest part is general anesthesia. When I had my parotid tumor removed 3 years ago it took my brain 2 months to feel normal.
  7. Everyone in surgery....lol. Scooter you having laparoscopic? Very quick recovery with that.
  8. He posted immediately post op but I also have some concerns. I hope he’s ok-probably in Lala land for awhile
  9. Every metric shows clearly that starting to invest particularly in retirement early will enable accumulation of much more wealth earlier in life. I didn’t start seriously until 40 and hence worked until 73. I’m damned lucky to have stayed healthy but that said I’ve enjoyed world travel, many of the finer things in life, and a fulfilling career. I climbed high mountains frequently throughout my life. I still can do plenty but the pandemic limits travel. Nevertheless our lifestyle is the same as when I was working full time thanks to maintaining strong discipline in putting tens of thousands away year after year.
  10. Kids aren’t for everyone. I had my oldest at 31 and my youngest at 52. But I’ve enjoyed raising all of them. By the time our daughter came (different mom) I was entering peak earning years. She’s traveled and worked all over the world which my sons age 43 amd 40 did not get to do to the same extent. The one thing that made it possible has been being blessed with good health. That’s a combination luck and some ok choices.
  11. We’ve been cold called and offered 1.5M cash and walk away. I’ll probably regret turning it down one day....
  12. They’re lucky they weren’t arrested when they landed.
  13. 150,000+ today and counting. 1088 deaths today and counting. Thanksgiving in 2 weeks. Terrible
  14. If one is careful, there is a very high likelihood that covid will be avoided. Many however are not careful...
  15. So sorry Bob! Tough times for your family as well. We take what comes but it's not fun. Since we had to travel here at least retirement allows flexibility. I can do my side gig from anywhere. Godspeed Bob!
  16. Will, your low grade concern is palpable...
  17. I’m here. My FIL is at end of life. That’s why we’re here. Every time he requires something only a hospital could do acutely, he worries about being admitted. My answer is don’t worry-they need all the beds they can have. It’s a shit show here... That said, it does have a vibe of normality. We’re staying with my wife’s sister and family-lots of room and both of us with negative tests before arriving. My sister in laws bday is Saturday and she’s expecting to have an outdoor gathering Sunday with expected temperatures in the 50s. Hopefully my FIL will still be here but no way could he tolerate 50s in his current condition. Doubtful this comes off. Sad times in the family. We want to get our daughter here but it may not work out with the pandemic going wild and her caregiving job in VT for which she’d most assuredly need to quarantine for upon her return.
  18. Heinsohn gone-part of my childhood. I remember going to a basketball clinic at the old Madison Sq Garden with Bob Cousy and his youthful assistant Tommy Heinsohn. I was about 10-12 years old. A true renaissance man-accomplish graphic artist and of course great athlete and all around interesting character. RIP.
  19. We were on a walk and got in just in time! Is it august?
  20. Legit cold snap next week I’m the guidance
  21. And we had a nice snow in March but I remember skiing at Nashoba Valley a couple of days later with really warm temperatures. Katy Lied was blaring through the loud speakers. Fun times!
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