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Everything posted by weathafella

  1. Yeah CMC is king.........King Shit that is.....
  2. Well it was a black and white pic for our 1973 yearbook but there wasn't much technology back then. The picture was taken in the 71-72 winter. In those days you could call the station and ask for Don Kent. You'd hear his name over the loudspeaker "Don Kent, please pick up extension...." Fun times.
  3. Yeah I was much less concerned about slipping on the ice back 10-15 years ago. Now I’m 77 and if I can’t walk 1-3 hours per day I lose my mind.
  4. I will. I don't mind it getting washed out as long as there is more in the pipeline. But I'm about heavy snow, clear it and would prefer less retention to fit my lifestyle now better. Either way none of us have a choice.
  5. Regarding gorillas. Stuart Soroka forecasted for WHDH (I think) in the early to mid 70s. He was pretty good. When he saw a big storm potential he would say.... "look at this gorilla moving up the coast".
  6. Another mid November day in December. No sun, no snow, just straight up dank.
  7. I was alive and old enough to remember the individual winters. We still had long stretches ot stink sometimes.
  8. We used to call that our most reliable indicator. Too bad it's not easy to find now.
  9. Also, when you’re in an amazing stretch you delude yourself into thinking it’s normal.
  10. The thing about 1995-96 is the major melts on January and then again February. But aside from that, plowable snows November through April and big ones is pretty amazing.
  11. Yeah I kind of forgot 2002-03. Decent snow in every month November through April
  12. The best retention winters for me were 1960-61 and 1993-94.
  13. A grade? I could care less about retention. Big snow dumps, frequent threats, and the occasional record cold are the 3 ingredients I grade on.
  14. Yeah it feels like we’re starting from scratch but we’re already deep in. I’m surprised the usual suspects didn’t do a nana a boo-boo post with the long range op gfs (18z/28).
  15. I don’t think Kevin’s standards are attainable in sne-anywhere. Even tough in NNE outside of the far north. I think if he moves to AK or 8k or higher in the west sure but he’ll lose the dews and summer heat.
  16. That's fair. Now here's a question and I'm not saying it's going to happen. Let's say we go to town and get some 12+ storms in the next 2 months with a few 4-8s interspersed so that everyone ends up above normal. How would you grade it?
  17. I haven't actually seen that yet! However, we're making it a week's vaca and tour around San Antonio and after the eclipse head over to Austin. Gallatin ended up being great! World class experience. Eagle Pass will be great to watch the eclipse but not sure if there's anything else to do? Either way, rooms mainly booked. So we'll get up early and head out. What a great week it will be!
  18. Haven't booked that yet-I have miles which is what I used last minute in 2017.
  19. First I'd like to enjoy 4 more days in December in my dwindling time left....
  20. Enjoy the weather, it’s the only weather you get.
  21. This thread consist of a lack of logical thinking. Like best to assume guidance is wrong so people aren’t disappointed. Does everyone have an emotional age of 9?
  22. Thanks for coming in and posting in our funhouse! You add value.
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